Samuel T.'s New Book "Niko's Chronicles: Love Hard, Hate Heavy" is a Powerful and Gritty Tale of a Bad Man Done Wrong, and the Hell He Brings for All Those Deemed Guilty.

Samuel T., a former pimp and gangster turned writer, has completed his most recent book “Niko's Chronicles: Love Hard, Hate Heavy”:  a gripping and street wise tale of a hard drug dealer who loses the woman he loves to her own selfish devices, and the steps he takes to make her pay for her indiscretions.  

Samuel T. shares, “My stories are pulled from my life and the neighborhood I grew up in. The most challenging part for me in writing about things I am so close to is sharing what I know I have seen. It has been important to me to keep the readers excited and wanting more, because I have plenty to share. I look forward to continuing the Chronicles of Niko for many years to come.”

Published by Fulton Books, Samuel T.’s book introduces the reader to Niko, a drug dealer who grew up in the streets of Detroit and has a strong belief in two things: Love Hard and Hate Heavy.

The woman that Niko loved more than life itself has committed the number one cardinal sin, betrayal. Now, what would a man like Niko do when the one who has the key to his heart easily exchanges it for another? Unfortunately for Diane, he would make her pay in the most painful, cruelest way he could think of. It would not be enough to hear of her demise; it would have to come from his own hands. And woe be to anyone who knows about it or helped her commit it because then they are guilty by association, and they must also pay the price.

Niko and his most trusted friend, Butter, will stop at nothing to find what made someone like Diane turn her back on him. Leaving trails of blood and a stack of bodies, Niko is determined to prove what Love Hard and Hate Heavy is all about.

Readers who wish to experience this thrilling work can purchase “Niko's Chronicles: Love Hard, Hate Heavy” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes and Noble.

Please direct all media inquiries to Gregory Reeves via email at or via telephone at 877-210-0816.

Source: Fulton Books


Tags: Fulton Books, Hate Heavy, New Books, Niko's Chronicles: Love Hard, Samuel T.

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