Samus Chat Looks to Revolutionize American Daily Routine Through Chat.

Samus Chat has positioned itself to be at the center of a revolution in commerce, and services. Conversational Commerce has exploded in Asia, and has it's sights on America. Big businesses are creating the platform for commerce transactions through text. Samus Chat wants to be a part of the movement, and magnify the benefits of chat. Think of Samus Chat as productive conversation with another human, suggestions from industry professionals, and a blank canvas for expression.
Samus Chat

​All fingers are pointing towards the state of the Business to Customer to make it’s way into your text messages. Samus Chat , a start-up based out of Dallas, Texas looks to capitalize on this movement. A movement some are calling the most significant since e-commerce was introduced. Gianni Secchi, Co-Founder at Samus Chat, describes the current state of tech ordering and communication as,

“Speaking to a dial tone operator where you press “1” for English, “2” for Spanish and go through tiered levels of frustrating hurdles. It is rare the users intents are clearly defined.  For instance, ordering food delivery requires many steps and forms to be handled. This process requires more time, attention, and limits the users’ desire. A friend of mine Grant, told me specifically “I don’t get food delivered because I don’t want to be hassled with it”. Users are looking to press “0” to speak to a human. They want a blank canvas to express their desires and have their intent satisfied far more efficiently. We’re looking to change that. Send us a text, and we’ll do all the dirty work. We want to make users experience less time consuming, more proficient, and turn non-users into users”.

Currently we have websites, and apps. The next trend is bots. Samus Chat is adding customer service to bots. To compare efficiency, if a user goes to book a flight on the desktop, or app, the results are nearly the same for efficiency/time. Searching for a flight using a bot is beyond seamless. A short query, "The cheapest flight from Dallas to NY this weekend one way" will spit out the results within seconds. Bots are limited in their ability to comprehend human conversation, and Samus Chat looks to mitigate human interaction to return the most relevant results for the best user experience.

Chris Hemsworth, Co-Founder

Samus Chat is positioning itself to add this value into the text channel. Being the preferred method of communication, and Tech trends showing movement into text as the next thing; it’s not a bad idea.

China has historically been an innovator on tech trends, and the power of the text seems to be no different. Started in October of 2010, a Chinese company “Weixin”, later branded as WeChat quickly exploded onto the scene as a messaging platform, and evolved into more then just a place to chat. Soon after, Chinese users were finding themselves speaking with businesses’, making in-store payments, getting tasks done, and the list goes on. India not much further behind with it's messenger market fractured between WhatsAppHike, and Facebook. A movement was born, Conversational Commerce. America noticed, and big businesses’ have been building their warships to battle for command of the unclaimed turbulent text waters ever since. Facebook buying WhatsApp for $19 billion, Apple’s most recent announcement in iOS 10 to integrate business transactions through iMessage, and Google introducing Allo. Who will win? Regardless of who does, Samus Chat will be on all of them.

Samus Chat has built it’s app on Apple’s iOS. They tried to keep the interface simple to stay true to the chat. After download and opening, you are prompted through a series of widgets to verify your account. First type in your name, then phone number that sends you a pin code through input for verification. Once you are registered the chat begins simply and smoothly. Samus asks how he can help you with a suggested task widget thrown into the chat. Once an option is selected, the chat begins, and widgets are mostly avoided going forward. Best part is, you’re chatting with a real human. “What’s happening today in Dallas?” You can find out about events, and Samus learns more about you to see what interests you with time. “Call an Uber” allows you to do just that. Uber’s API is built directly into Samus so the functionality is smooth. “Travel” allows you to find flights, hotels, and car rental through chat. No more navigating unnecessary forms of many flight apps, chatting makes it easier. Cheapest, most comfortable flight, you name it Samus can do it. “Need Help Shopping” makes things interesting. Industry professionals try to get a taste of your needs and return products that fit your desire. Perfect for gift shopping. “Food Consulting” is one of the most impressive categories, which allows you to order delivery, or chat with “Foodies” if you’re not sure where to eat. One feature Samus Chat is extremely proud about is the ability for the user to record an order from nearly any restaurant for delivery. Almost as if ordering from the drive thru at your nearest fast food restaurant, but from your phone… Delivered! “Sell something for me” prompts a chat where Samus finds market value of whatever you’re trying to sell, offers advice, and posts ads for you onlineSamus can’t promise a sale, but advice through text and posting makes sales quite easy. “Alcohol delivery” allows the user to simply send a text, or record a voice memo of what they are drinking for simple satisfaction. “Restaurant Reservations” makes reservations as simple as a restaurant name, party size, and time. The voice record feature is available for reservations, as well as all features but makes most sense to certain tasks. “Chat with ANY business” requires a few steps to connect you with businesses’ around you, and starts the dialogue. Samus is aggressively trying to make these connections with businesses to make communication more fluid. Quite a bit of thought has been put into the functionality of getting these tasks, and services accomplished with ease through chat. The operations side will most likely be the chameleon of Samus Chat over the coming years. As Artificial Intelligence increases with time, and bots become more accessible to do what they are supposed to, efficiency accompanied with scaling will increase drastically.

Samus Chat is simply trying to make common everyday interactions pleasant, and void of too much mental effort through chat... For now! It will be available in Dallas, TX for download as an app on iOS. Head to to get your personal invite text. Samus Chat looks to become platform agnostic, and jump into other operating systems as soon as possible. Look for Samus Chat on other messaging services before the end of the year.

Source: Samus App LLC


Tags: chat, Chris Hemsworth, Conversational Commerce, Dallas, door dash, favor, food delivery, Gianni Secchi, grub hub, Samus, Samus Chat, Varghese Mathew

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