Sanctuary Systems, LLC Announces Availability of Breatheze SS-KN95 Masks

Made in USA Certified KN95 Masks

At an event discussing problems in finding quality made PPE, Sanctuary Systems, LLC announced the immediate availability of Breatheze SS-KN95 masks. "We manufacture the Breatheze KN95 Face Masks (SS-KN95) here in North Carolina from materials also made in the US," said Bryan Sigler, Chief Development Officer at Sanctuary Systems, LLC. "Healthcare professionals and first responders all over the country have been relying on masks imported from China, and honestly, a lot of those masks have not met quality standards."

Positive Customer Impact

Previously KN95 masks were only available from China, and testing of those revealed that a large number of them do not meet standards for filtration. Sanctuary Systems' KN95 masks meet at least 95% particle filtration efficiency using the same test procedures for NIOSH approved N95 masks.  The KN95 masks produced are not N95 masks. Using a TSI 8130 Automated Filter Tester, and following procedures TEB-APR-STP-0059, TEB-APR-STP-0003, and TEB-APR-STP-0007, Sanctuary Systems' SS-KN95 masks meet the same standards required for N95 masks for particulate filtration efficiency, Inhalation and exhalation resistance.  Additionally, the SS-KN95 masks pass  Level 2 ASTM F1862 Synthetic Blood Penetration Tests.  Sanctuary has calibrated test equipment in its lab, and sends masks for independent third party testing.

The SS-KN95 is certified under the GB2626-2019 standard. Most every other KN95 mask on the market is certified under a much less stringent 2006 standard. These masks are currently being used in hospitals, physicians' offices, dental offices, and workplaces in a number of industrial settings.


Breatheze SS-KN95 masks are immediately available directly from the company and distributors nationwide.

Founded in 2017, Sanctuary Systems, LLC, has a history of Research & Development in nonwoven technology and applications. The company offers a wide range of products and services designed to benefit both businesses and consumers.

Sanctuary Systems, LLC and Breatheze SS-KN95 masks are registered trademarks of Sanctuary Systems, LLC in the United States.

For more information,

Bryan Sigler


For more information on Breatheze SS-KN95 masks:

Source: Sanctuary Systems, LLC


Tags: covid, Face Mask, KN95, PPE