Sankofa Archives and Galleries: Scholarly Historical Research Site Launched

The Sankofa Archives and its Galleries ( launched 2/3/2015. A ten-year labor of love by Marjorie Charlot, a librarian at a northeastern university, Sankofa Archives was created to facilitate research on the history of people of African descent throughout the world.

The Sankofa Archives and its Galleries are open to scholars and the general public who seek knowledge of the ancient and modern history of the people of the African Diaspora, who are now numbered to be over one billion. The Archives offers a treasury of articles, images, and links to worldwide resources. Sankofa Archives and Galleries joins the roster of such respected resources as Digital Schomberg, and the seminal, which was created by Professors Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and Kwame Anthony Appiah.

"We have simply been written out of history of the world. Most people are unaware of the wealth of primary and secondary information on the history of the African Diaspora. We have been everywhere, in all times. The truth is mind boggling."

M. Charlot, Founder, Sankofa Archives & Galleries

Ms. Charlot holds  advanced degrees in Architecture Technology and Library Information Science and Urban Studies.  The trove of untapped primary and secondary documentation of the history of the African Disaspora is in her words "mind boggling."  Charlot is of Haitian descent and discovered while doing research for her forthcoming book, 100 Facts You Didn't Know About Haiti, stunning facts about the Haitian influence on American history, and not just in politics, but in areas such as architecture and culture.  On February 13, 2015, at 4:00 p.m., there will be a reception at Long Island University, Brooklyn Campus to introduce the mission and ongoing vision of the Archives to the public.  Ms. Charlot will be present to answer questions. RSVP required  to sankofaarchives at  Please include your name and phone number in the email, subject heading - SANKOFA RSVP.  Space is limited.


Tags: Africa, African American, African History, African Studies, Black History Month, cultural studies, Databases, Haitian American, History, Librarians, Research, Universities