Saver's Sojourn New Home and Garden Online Superstore Launches

Saver's Sojourn offers deals, advice on outdoor décor

Savers’ Sojourn, an online home, garden and outdoor décor superstore has launched, offering insights and deals to online shoppers.

The site has a broad selection of items designed to appeal to a variety of different tastes, allowing consumers  to find things that match their personal preferences.

“It is not our intention to dictate what to like: choosing a style and sensibility that works for ones’ home is 100 percent up to them,” Natalie Malmstrom, owner and CEO of Savers’ Sojourn, clarified. “But we like to play our part by collecting the most useful and relevant information from around the web to make sure our customers are choosing from the best and getting access to all the newest trends and important buzz.”

The major focus of the site is offering customers access to truly innovative products, along with great customer service. One such product, recently highlighted by the site, is the Garden Tower Project, which has space for 50 different plantings in a single pot.  

“It puts the size and diversity of an entire garden right into a patio space, for those without a large backyard area in which to plant,” Malmstrom said. “We love being able to offer people access to innovations like these, which might come along only after a good deal of time and energy is spent searching online and in the physical marketplace to find great ideas and resources .”

Other ideas highlighted thus far include fireplaces and accessories, water features, and sustainably created furniture. As time goes on, the site plans to add more product recommendations, tips and articles focused on home décor and gardening.

“Decorating an outdoor space makes for a private, comfortable place to enjoy the outdoors,” Malmstrom said. “Everyone should have access to an outdoor space that is just their own and that reflects their own unique personality.”

More information is available online at


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Saver's Sojourn is here to share ideas and tidbits about helping to generate the inspiration that will make your space more enjoyable.