Savevy Launches: Trusted Coupon Codes, Coupons, Promo Codes, Free Shipping and Discounts Across Thousand Of Stores

Savevy Launches: Trusted Coupon Codes, Coupons, Promo Codes, Free Shipping and Discounts Across Thousand Of Stores

Coupon codes help to promote spending among consumers online as found by a study from Whaleshark Media ( And they are only set to grow bigger as the e-commerce market expands.

Based on a survey of 504 U.S.-based coupon users and five in-depth interviews with e-commerce executives from large companies, key study findings concluded the following:

"Online coupons and promotion codes drive incremental business: Offering coupons and deals generates new users and increases overall user spending. Active coupon users reported spending over $800 more per year with e-commerce merchants than less active coupon users ($1,850 versus $1,025). In addition, 74% of active coupon users indicated that they would be likely to try a new brand if they received a coupon or promotion code versus 54% of less active coupon users"

That's why Savevy ( has been launched to provide premium and trusted coupon codes to online shoppers. With coupons from big-name brands like Amazon, Kohls, and Target to small indie stores like Etsy and BigCartel, Savevy is looking to expand its collection of coupon codes, discounts and offers to improve the shopping experience by finding deep discounts, exclusive coupons and great free shipping deals.

And what makes Savevy extraordinary is that Savevy aims to be a social platform for shoppers to rate coupons, evaluate merchants and interact with each others. In addition, Savevy is using social platforms like Twitter and Facebook to connect with shoppers to share great coupons.

Visit Savevy today at for the best premium and trusted coupon codes, discounts and savings.


Tags: codes, coupon, coupons, discounts, Free, offers, promo, Savevy, savings, shipping

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