Saving the Planet is all in a Day's Work for WD Bathrooms

WD Bathrooms has introduced innovative ways to reduce its environmental impact and maintain high standards of service for its customers.

WD Bathrooms has introduced innovative ways to reduce its environmental impact and maintain high standards of service for its customers.

The Sheffield-based company has a new green policy to save energy and cut costs which includes using recycled packaging and electronic invoicing.

WD Bathrooms sells everything from shower doors to bathroom taps. Customer Service Director, Mark Wilson said they are now using wood from recycled pallets to package the many items they ship out to customers each week.

He said: "We were buying thousands of metres of wood every month to package our bathroom products. Although it now takes a little more time to package the bathroom suites it's worth it knowing that we're not contributing to any trees being chopped down."

Electronic invoicing was introduced to cut back on the thousands of paper pages WD Bathrooms printed and posted each year. Customers receive an electronic invoice, emailed directly to them, which has also made a significant cost saving for the company.

"We gave our fax machine away 2 years ago to save on paper and ink, and to force the idea that we should email everything," Mark said. "All of our suppliers now accept all orders via email, although they didn't at first. Even today we have some suppliers that laugh at the idea that we don't have a fax machine."

Reducing its carbon footprint and impact on the environment is very important to WD Bathrooms. Staff are trained to think green and can put forward ideas to push the companies eco-credentials even higher.

Mark said: "We do try to do our bit whenever we can. Whether it's switching our lights off, setting a thermostat for the heating, or recycling paper it can all help. There are many ways in which businesses are failing in becoming green and just the smallest things can help. It is important to us that our staff, clients and suppliers can see how committed we are to improving the environment."


Tags: bathrooms, environment, green, lights, paper, products, recycled, Recycling, shower, suites, taps

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Mark Wilson
Press Contact, WD Bathrooms Ltd
WD Bathrooms Ltd
Hydra Business Park, Nether Lane
S35 9ZX