Scailyte Hosts Webinar About Supervised Learning of Disease-Associated Cell States and Dynamics

Webinar on the latest developments in the analysis of single-cell data, including from transcriptomic and imaging technologies.
Supervised learning of disease-associated cell states and dynamics

On the 15th of March, Scailyte will host a webinar with Prof. Dr Manfred Claassen, a co-founder of the company, who leads the Clinical Bioinformatics & Machine Learning in Translational Single-cell Biology group at University Hospital in Tübingen, Germany. During the webinar, Prof. Dr M. Claassen will present his research and development of supervised machine learning techniques to study disease-associated cell states and dynamics in different types of single-cell data. The speaker will also highlight the power of multimodal single-cell data integration, such as imaging flow cytometry, in situ proteomic imaging and RNA-seq data, to achieve unprecedented high precision in his studies of rare cell types and their pathologic behaviour.

Recent advances in single-cell technologies have opened the way for high-dimensional, high-throughput, and high-resolution measurements of biological systems. These methods enable the capture of rare cell populations, which play a pivotal role in the initiation and progression of diseases such as cancer. However, the identification of such subpopulations and their studies in single-cell datasets remains challenging for data scientists.

The format is the following:

  • 5 mins - introduction
  • 20 mins - main discussion
  • 20 min+ - Q&A

Book your tickets here - 

About Scailyte

Scailyte is an ETH Zürich spin-off with a best-in-class artificial intelligence platform for the discovery of complex disease patterns from single-cell data. Our solution provides unprecedented insight into the disease and patients' biology and enables the discovery of new clinically relevant biomarker signatures by uncovering human hidden "single-cell" secrets. 

Scailyte's proprietary best-in-class data analysis platform ScaiVision™ associates multimodal single-cell datasets (RNA-/TCR-/BCR-seq, proteomics, etc.) with clinical endpoints, such as disease diagnosis, progression, severity, treatment response, and toxicity response to identify ultra-sensitive biomarker signatures and cell functionality states. The performance and clinically relevant applications of Scailyte's platform ScaiVision have been demonstrated in well-established CAR-T cell therapies and various clinical projects in Oncology and Immunology.

For more information, visit and connect on social media @LinkedIn and @Twitter.

Scailyte™ and ScaiVision™ are registered trademarks proprietary to Scailyte AG.

Source: Scailyte


Tags: ai, artificialintelligence, biomarker, biomarkerdiscovery, clinicaldiagnostics, diagnostics, digitalhealth, healthcare, immunotherapy, innovation, lifescience, lungcancer, oncology, scailyte, webinar

About Scailyte AG

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Scailyte develops and applies AI technology for the interpretation of single-cell data. We aim to unlock human's single-cell 'hidden secrets' and convert highly complex data into new medical insights and usable knowledge.

Diana Stoycheva
Principal Expert Scientist, Scailyte AG
Scailyte AG
Lichtstrasse 35
Basel, Basel 4056