Scaling Personalized Preventive Care

Care providers face growing pressure to maintain margins amidst significant market disruption. New technology-driven models of care delivery are emerging to address major cost inefficiencies in areas such as obesity and obesity-related condition management. Following an extensive industry survey, ProjectVision has released a white paper outlining the core methods for implementing a scalable, cost effective framework for weight management that focuses on managing non-adherence risk.

As care providers within the US face pressure from payers to improve both quality of outcomes and cost effectiveness, total volume of care is shifting from the inpatient to ambulatory settings. In order to avoid diminishing operating margins, providers must implement care delivery methods capable of inexpensively gathering complete patient data.  The weight-related chronic condition management space presents a low-hanging fruit, where total cost exceeds $200B per year and is largely preventable.

The pressing issue of improving the operating margins of outpatient preventive care can be addressed by starting with scalable data gathering frameworks to support front-line clinicians.  Following an extensive research across financial and care delivery trends within the US, ProjectVision has released a white paper outlining the core methods for implementing such a framework.

The financial burden of weight-related chronic conditions is not a medical problem. It's a behavior risk management problem

Shingai Samudzi, CEO

Elements found within the white paper can be readily applied by health plans and managed care providers to identify opportunities of reducing the impact of behavioral risk factors on operating cost.  "The financial burden of weight-related chronic conditions is not a medical problem," says Shingai Samudzi, CEO of ProjectVision, "it's a behavior risk management problem."  Because managing behavior risk of patients with weight-related chronic conditions requires extensive longitudinal support, models of deploying clinical resources to ensure high quality patient engagement is also a focus. 

The white paper covers the following topics:

  • Keys behind the obesity cost growth trends
  • Behavior vs Medical factors behind trends
  • Approaches to managing behavior risk
  • Clinical labor cost dynamics within new models of care
  • Building scalability and portability into new care delivery models
  • Potential Returns on Investment from specific health tech approaches

ProjectVision is a healthcare technology company founded in 2014 and based in Berkeley, CA.  It works with health plans and managed care providers to build smart care delivery models that focus first on addressing behavior risk management in order to rectify health outcomes disparities in a cost effective manner.

The white paper can be downloaded for free at


Tags: behavior, chronic conditions, healthcare, hospital, managed care, obesity

About ProjectVision

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ProjectVision is a healthcare technology company founded in 2014 and based in Berkeley, CA. It works with health plans and managed care providers to build smart systems of clinical resource deployment that address health outcomes disparities.

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Berkeley, CA 94704
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