Scientists Have Discovered the Evidence of Microbial Survival

Science requires enough patience because the discovery demands time.

Scientists believe that life on Earth first appeared about 3,500 to 4,000 million years ago. At that time, there was no ozone layer filtering ultraviolet rays and no oxygen in the atmosphere for breathing. Such fact means microorganisms must find suitable places to survive. And this new study suggests that in order to avoid ultraviolet radiation microbes have found the cavity hole under earth surface as a shelter.

According to recent report from the physicist organization, newly discovered fossil evidence suggests that ancient microbes usually avoid encountered difficulties by bubble asylum formed in sand cave chamber. The cell fossil was found in the microorganisms, and it was pushed to the surface under volcanic activity. The team has conducted a range of tests on those microbial groups, including microorganism carbon, scanning electron microscopy analysis, micro-Raman spectroscopy and other ones.

It’s also reported such bars microorganisms are extremely similar to current bacteria, which can control their own diameter and length just like the microorganisms, keeping fairly consistent in shape. These fossils are much earlier than any other fossil found in the habitat so that they can represent some of the earliest forms of life. The earliest life sign existed about 3.43 billion years ago. Interestingly, some researchers also noted that most scientists think Earth is similar to today’s Mars. This discovery may show some important clues for looking for signs of life on Mars, this red planet. 

German and Swiss scientists in the research group have found the evidence for microbial life at the surface of hole cavity. They have published the paper on the latest issue of Geology. The paper details the discovery of fossils in related cell processes, identification techniques, as well as the significance of the discovery.

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Tags: biology, microbes, science

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Creative Peptides is specialized in the process development and the manufacturing of bioactive peptides. It provides customers with manufacturing services to the peptide manufacturers for the biopharmaceutical market.