Scientists Uncover the Root of Gray Hair Problems

A team of researchers in Europe has discovered the cause for gray hair and will soon begin their research into treating the causes.

A team of scientists in Europe has finally solved the mystery that has vexed and confounded humans for years, why does hair turn gray. There has been a long-standing wives tale that gray hair is a sign of wisdom, but researchers prove that wisdom has nothing to do with going gray.

Hair goes gray because of a huge build up of hydrogen peroxide caused by the wear and tear of hair follicles. Peroxide in the hair winds up and blocks the normal production of melanin, which is what naturally pigments hair.

It's commonly known that blonde hair can be achieved with hydrogen peroxide, but many people don't realize that hair cells naturally create hydrogen peroxide and as people age that production increases. When hair turns gray it begins to bleach from the inside out. This discovery will help researchers develop treatments for gray hair.

Researchers discovered the growing levels of hydrogen peroxide in hair by examining the cell cultures found in human hair follicles. The scientists found that a reduction of an enzyme that breaks the hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen was causing the increase in hydrogen peroxide. The went on to discover that the low levels of enzymes (MSR A and B) that are necessary to repair damaged follicles were preventing hair from naturally recovering from the influx of hydrogen peroxide. The increased levels of hydrogen peroxide and the diminished levels of MSR A and B interrupt the formation of the enzyme, tyrosianase, that is necessary for the production of melanin in hair follicles. Melanin is the pigment that gives hair, skin and eyes color. Researchers are now speculating that similar breakdown in the skin could be the cause of vitiligo.

This recent breakthrough study is a supreme example of how basic biology research can benefit society in ways that are rarely imagined. With breakthroughs in hair loss restoration and pigment treatment the possibilities for hair and scalp treatments are just beginning.


Tags: Hair Loss Treatment, hair restoration new york, hair transplants

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