Scientology News: Committed to Keeping Their City Green

The Ravenna chapter of The Way to Happiness Foundation and the local Friends of L. Ron Hubbard are proud to support the annual garden festival in the Italian city of Cervia.
Beautiful garden shot by jamespaullong, @flickr Creative Commons

Every May since 1972 the city of Cervia on Italy’s Adriatic coast has hosted a festival known as Cervia Città Giardino—Cervia Garden City—dedicated to safeguarding  the region’s natural beauty.

Now in its 44th year, Cervio Città Giardino hosts garden artists, technicians and architects representing more than 50 Italian and foreign cities and organizations. They meet in Cervia to share their unique floral and technical innovations and discuss and exchange creative methods of intervention and management of public and private parks.

"In addition to participating in this event, we work with the City of Cervia to care for the environment with cleanups of local parks, bike paths, the dunes in the Milano Marittima seaside resort and wherever else it is needed."

Volunteer, Ravenna chapter of The Way to Happiness Foundation

For the past 17 years a group of local Scientologists have participated in this tradition, planting a garden for the May festival at the city’s Via Roma square and and caring for it through the summer months.

Unlike many other metropolitan areas that are marred by environmental degradation, Cervia has remained an oasis of greenery and beauty. The gardens planted for Cervia Città Giardino bloom throughout the summer, offering a constant attraction for the thousands of people who come to enjoy the beautiful beaches of the Adriatic coast.

"In addition to participating in this event, we work with the city of Cervia to care for the environment with cleanups of local parks, bike paths, the dunes in the Milano Marittima seaside resort and wherever else it is needed,” says one of the volunteers.

The group is inspired by the precept “Safeguard and Improve Your Environment” from The Way to Happiness, the commonsense nonreligious moral code written by philosopher and humanitarian L. Ron Hubbard, that states, “Care of the planet begins in one’s own front yard. It extends through the area one travels to get to school or work. It covers such places as where one picnics or goes on vacation. The litter which messes up the terrain and water supply, the dead brush which invites fire, these are things one need not contribute to and which, in otherwise idle moments, one can do something about.”

Cervia Città Giardino opens Friday, May 27,  with the Concert of Friendship and continues May 28 and 29 with the city’s Green Market featuring plants, flowers and bonsai exhibition.



Tags: environment, Italy, L. Ron Hubbard, news, Scientology news, The Way to Happiness

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