- The Science Fiction and Fantasy Culture - Newly Launched Scifi Social Community
Online, April 5, 2010 ( - Welcome fans of all realms! Whether you are a Trekkie, Avatard, Twihard, or a fan of the comic universe, is the web community for you. Visit to interact and share your appreciation for the Science Fiction and Fantasy world.
As Science Fiction and Fantasy fans, we've scoured the web for a Scifi community where hardcore and casual fans like ourselves can freely join and interact without feeling like we have to know how to speak Klingon.
So this site aims to be a Science Fiction and Fantasy community where hardcore and casual scifi fans can come together to share their fascination for Science Fiction, Fantasy and related genres.
Website members are given the tools just like Facebook or Myspace to interact and meet new people who share the same interests.
As members you can:
- Send Private Message
- Post in Forums
- Comment on articles, fan fictions, profiles, videos, photos, etc.
- Share Videos, Photos and Fan Fictions
- Create polls
- Submit and take fun quizzes
- Create or Join a Group
- Receive kudos points for quality posts
- Win prizes
- And best of all, make new friends!
Be one of the first to join and start building your network and profile today. Older members tend to have more respect than newer members.
So why wait? Join the community. It's fast and easy?
Tags: fantasy movies, science fiction movies,, star trek, Star Wars, Stargate