Scuba Diver Seeks Scientific Expedition Funding To Document Mysterious Crystals

A cache of unclassified crystals (trapped within a large air pocket) lay within a wreck 135 feet below the ocean's surface.

Michael Harlow, expedition documentary film leader, announced today his team is seeking funding to document mysterious crystals previously discovered while exploring a sunken ship in the South Pacific.

"This is a very exciting time," said Michael Harlow, Team Leader of Explore - Crystal Wreck Dive. "With James Cameron going to the abyss of the Challenger Deep and the renewed public interest in underwater exploration, the crystal wreck discovery has invigorated the marine research community."

Explore - Crystal Wreck Dive has collaborated with numerous researchers from Scripps Institute of Oceanography, NOAA and Texas A&M. Since the crystals in the submerged wreck have never been identified, the researchers are excited to obtain these samples.

The dive team will dive to 135 feet below the ocean's surface and penetrate the wreck. A massive air chamber with approximately 135,000 cubic feet of oil saturated air holds the unidentified crystals.

"It is extremely rare, if not unheard of, to just find an air chamber that is that massive in a sunken ship," continues Michael. "To have translucent and multicolored unidentified crystals covering every square inch of the chamber, is miraculous".

Michael has been a PADI Divemaster for over 25 years and has scuba dived all around the world. Starting in the Hawaiian Islands, then the Florida Keys, Australia's Great Barrier Reef, Truk Lagoon, Palau, Micronesia, the Caribbean and many other beautiful places.

The Explore - Crystal Wreck Dive team is currently seeking crowd funding via The website to help this cause is:

Since the wreck is in a very remote area, the team is also looking for corporate sponsorships to assist with; surface and underwater camera equipment, travel costs, dive gear and other safety related gear.

This incredible discovery may be lost if this campaign cannot be completed. Please help.

Learn more about Explore - Crystal Wreck Dive at:

The Kickstarter website is:

Prior in-depth press article:


Tags: challenger deep, crystal wreck dive, discovery, documentary, explore - crystal wreck dive, james cameron, new discovery, south pacific, wreck dive

About Explore - Crystal Wreck Dive

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Michael Harlow
Press Contact, Explore - Crystal Wreck Dive
Explore - Crystal Wreck Dive
1902 Wright Place, 2nd Floor
Carlsbad, CA 92008
United States