Search Eccentric's Seo Company Holds An Outdoor Meeting On Changing Trends In Content Writing

"Search Eccentric, SEO and Internet Marketing Company organized an outdoor meeting cum activity with its content and SEO teams and was attended by participants of other companies."

The meeting was held in the Siri Fort Auditorium, New Delhi Friday March 30. The core agenda of the meeting was to discuss the changing trends in the world of content writing. Content is king! And that holds absolutely true for the content writing team at Search Eccentric. The team which is a mix of professionals from different domains has a pivotal role to play in determining the success of the SEO Company.

Content forms a core part of the SEO process. Content writers are responsible for writing content for clients most of which are based abroad. Besides they also take care of the in house web content. Team members work in different shifts hence giving them little chance to meet and discuss about the latest trends in writing and writing styles.

The participating content writing teams voiced their concerns and limitations about writing varied and intriguing content within the stipulated deadlines. The SEO experts, with their years of expertise, chipped in with their valuable inputs about making the content SEO friendly and about ways to restrict the keyword density to the minimum.

The team that works hard to meet deadlines and wrap up content on time therefore, held a meeting along with their Project Managers, SEO Team Leads and Heads of the organization. The meeting was attended by experts and content writers from four other SEO companies.

The Heads spoke about time management and offered tips about managing work effectively within a given time frame. Overall the meeting was a morale booster for all the content writing teams as every participant had their concerns addressed.

The meeting ended with a promise that every SEO Firm will hold an in house meeting once a month so that the performance of the content team is reviewed and competent measures taken to improve the overall functioning of the team. There were funny and inspirational speeches, food, fun and frolic other than the discussion.


Tags: Search Engine Marketing Company, SEO Company India, seo india

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