Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Program Yields Page One ranking on Google for Aircraft Charter Firm

Panorama Flight Service, an air charter company achieves page one ranking on Google, Yahoo and MSN search engines after a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) program is implemented by Aviation Marketing Consulting.

Aviation Marketing Consulting updated the website for Panorama Flight Services to include a new Citation Mustang that was added to their fleet of jets available for private jet charter.
After creating the page, Aviation Marketing Consulting suggested to Panorama that "just because they have a new web page devoted to their Mustang jet, it doesn't mean potential customers will find it on the web." What they really needed to do was optimize their website to improve their ranking when someone does a search through Google, Yahoo or MSN for aircraft to charter.

Search Engine Optimization is an important tool in aviation marketing. At Aviation Marketing Consulting, we have become expert in optimizing websites for search engines. It is a somewhat complex and ever-changing endeavor, as there are over 100 factors that contribute to how high your website will rank for a particular search term, and there are no hard and fast rules to follow, nor a guarantee of a high ranking, no matter what supposed search engine optimization specialists tell you.

Sometimes a couple of simple additions to your website's meta-tag will get you on page 1 of Google, but most times, it requires a steady and ongoing process of content modifications, link-building and analysis. However, with enough patience, expertise and follow-through, good (even great) results can be achieved, which can lead to more sales and customers!

FYI, if want to find out how well we did for Panorama, go to Google and do a search for "aircraft charter in new york," Panorama Flight Service's aircraft charter web page was ranked #3 on page 1 in the organic search listings as of this date.
Headquartered in Westchester County Airport in NY, Panorama Flight Services, besides offering private jet travel, is also a full-service FBO, authorized Cessna dealer and flight school.
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Tags: air charter, aircraft charter, marketing, meta-tags, Search Engine Optimization, SEO

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Rocco Cipriano
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Aviation Marketing Consulting
Mamaroneck, NY 10543