Self Improvement Blog Author and Women's Talk Radio Maven Honored by Forbes

Bonnie Marcus, author for The Self Improvement Blog, host of a radio show, business coach and mentor learned Thursday that her website for Womens Success Coaching had been listed in Forbes top 100 sites for working women.

Bonnie Marcus, an author for The Self Improvement Blog, and host of "Head Over Heals: Women's Business Radio" with VoiceAmerica Broadcasting, was named as having one of the top 100 sites for working women by Forbes Magazine. Her website, helps professional women "live their potential." She helps women promote themselves effectively to advance their careers and build their businesses. Her website features any number of venues to help them do that and her articles on inspire women in all walks of life.

Marcus said, "'It is such an honor to be recognized by Forbes. Women's Success Coaching shares a mission with Forbes Woman and that is to empower and inspire professional women to reach their full potential"

The authors of the Forbes article, Meghan Casserly and Jenna Goudreau, state:

"No one can succeed on her own. Even the savviest women need help along the way. To that end, with the help of the ForbesWoman community, we've searched the Web for the most dynamic, inspiring and helpful websites for women. We're delighted to present this list of ForbesWoman's Top 100 Websites for Women.

"To determine which sites and blogs made the cut we looked for compelling and decidedly female-oriented content, outstanding design, an active community and frequent updates. In short, sheer clickyness."

As founder and principal of Women's Success Coaching, Bonnie Marcus personifies a remarkable blend of business success and coaching talent. Bonnie's father raised her to believe that she could achieve anything she wanted to achieve and be anything she wanted to be - and he was right. An exciting, corporate career has taken Bonnie from her first entry level job to her position as CEO of a national corporation, and from entrepreneur to thriving business owner. Bonnie shares her father's vision by coaching other women to achieve their own inherent success.

During the course of her corporate career, Bonnie has seen women confront the old corporate paradigm, asking, "How do I make this work for me?" As such, she has identified roadblocks and pitfalls specific to women in the business world that derail their chosen path time and again. And thus, Women's Success Coaching was founded with the specific goal of guiding women on the right path with the right tools.

Professional coaching provides the perfect opportunity to guide women on the right path with the right tools. Bonnie truly believes that you can achieve anything you want to achieve and be anything you want to be, she also understands that it takes work and dedication. If you are ready for greatness, Bonnie will help you navigate your path to success.

Bonnie's extensive resume includes CEO of a national healthcare company and VP of Sales at two other national companies in the staffing and software industries. Bonnie is a certified business/executive coach through IPEC Coaching, an International Coaching Federation accredited program. In her 25 years of management experience, she has held executive positions in start up companies and Fortune 500 companies. Bonnie has earned many prestigious accolades for her sales and business development performance, and she has been recognized by her peers as an outstanding and revolutionary businesswoman. Bonnie was the co-founder and former President of the Martha's Vineyard Women's Network, a group bringing women together for networking, professional development and business growth. She currently serves on the Board of Directors of Women Empowered, a non profit organization dedicated to supporting both men and women through the education of basic life.

Head Over Heels is a weekly radio talk show that addresses the challenges that women face in the business world and offers advice from subject matter experts to help women overcome these issues.Tune into Head Over Heels, live every Tuesday at 11 AM Pacific Time on the VoiceAmerica Business Channel, and listen to the experts discuss important topics such as how to successfully climb the corporate ladder, how to overcome gender related workplace issues, how to effectively promote yourself and your business, how to jump start your own business, how to capture the female market, how to address work/life balance issues and much more.

Women's Success Coaching offers a full range of services including: Individual Coaching, Executive Coaching, Workshops, Group Coaching, and Self Promotion Coaching. Meeting the needs of women business owners, executives, and sales professionals in independent or corporate settings, we can customize coaching, trainings, and workshops for your specific needs.

Self Promotion Coaching assists professional women in promoting themselves effectively and comfortably. This process offers guidance on how to craft your own authentic message for networking, job interviews and resumes, career advancement, business growth and sales.

You can visit Bonnie's site at


Tags: business coach, Forbes, self improvementC

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