Send A Personalised Christmas Hamper Gift This Year
Online, October 5, 2010 ( - Sweet hampers have always been a favourite among customers and Virginia Hayward wanted to take this gift one step further with a personal message incorporated into the packaging; as a result the Sweet Cube was born.
"We're using the Christmas message that you enter on our website and printing it straight onto the packaging of this brightly coloured cube of sweets, so that every time your recipient reaches for another Rhubarb and Custard, they're reminded of your festive wishes", comments Katrina Newey, Product Development Manager.
Presented in an acetate cube, you will find old favourites such as Flying Saucers, Jelly Beans, Candy Shrimps, Jelly Babies, Pear Drops and Juicy Lips to tantalise your taste buds. Customers are already able to send a personal message with their gift but the Sweet Cube takes this personalisation to the next level.
"Personalisation is becoming increasingly important because it shows that extra thought. We're delighted to have been able to borrow some of the technology from our sister site which specialises in personalised gifts and you can watch this space for more ideas prior to Christmas, perhaps amongst our more traditional hamper lines' Katrina adds.
The Virginia Hayward range of Xmas hampers is currently available for sale on the company's website with the majority of items available for delivery until the 22nd December 2010. The Sweet Cube can be ordered at until 9th January 2011.
Tags: Christmas, christmas hampers, Virginia Hayward