September's Featured Author, Rev. Kemi Nahal and Featured Book, Tarnished Brass Curtain: A Novel of Vietnam Exposed welcomes September with excitement as it announces the month's featured book, Tarnished Brass Curtain by Richard S. Rose and featured author, Rev. Kemi Nahal

Paralleled with the beginning of the autumn season is BookWhirl's announcement of its Featured Book and Author for the month. September is guaranteed to be a month full of inspiration to get back closer to God being given emphasis by author Rev. Kemi Nahal. This month is also filled with actions, thrills, values of loyalty, and courage highlighted on Tarnished Brass Curtain.

The Featured Book is Tarnished Brass Curtain: A Novel of Vietnam, a frame story taking place during a single week in October 1968, with flashback chapters from one week to six months, written by Richard S. Rose. It tackles about the conflict between conscience and loyalty, combats in the field in Vietnam, and wisdom incurred in every major decision made amidst every breathtaking event while on war.

Check out to know more about the author and his exciting book.

The Featured Author for this month is Rev. Kemi Nahal, a performing artist, composer, pianist, a Chanter and a Cantor, and an ingenious writer of spiritual, enchanted and esoteric stories for children of all ages. She is a single mother of two, a leader of Meditations a Spiritual Guide, an intuitive reader and spiritual counselor and a lecturer on Esoteric Topics.

She is the author of Whisper of the Flame, a book which hopes to enhance and help readers become aware of and reconnect to their Essence Life through a creature's seeking of infinite connection to the source of his existence-the Creator, God the Almighty.

Listen and be moved by her spiritual ways of inspiring all human beings through her book trailer

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Tags: Bookwhirl Publishing, featured book, Online book marketing, publishing services provider, self-publishing services, September’s Featured Author


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