"Setup Unmanaged VPS 4 Linux Noobs!" - VPS Bible's New Tutorial Website Launch

Build & maintain your own Virtual Private Server * vpsBible's easy-read copy-paste tutorials & videos are designed for mere mortals - not just for geeks! * Don't know Linux? You don't need to. * All you need to know .. is how to read

Olly Connelly from guvnr.com is proud to announce the new home for the highly respected "VPS Bible" at vpsBible.com.

"Unmanaged VPS hosting is the way forward for SME's and webpreneurs who are fed up of unpredictable shared hosting, else paying too much for managed hosting.

"vpsbible gives Guvnr's heavily-surfed VPS Bible series the platform it needs to expand.

"vpsBible offers Linux noobs and seasoned webmasters alike the easy-read copy-paste guides they need to build a first rate web server at minimal cost."

The new site comprises detailed documentation and an open forum and Olly says he's nurturing a friendly, cooperative community of people who want the same thing: a top quality web server at budget cost.

vpsBible has released the following:-

Build & maintain your own Virtual Private Server

* vpsBible's easy-read copy-paste tutorials & videos are designed for mere mortals - not just for geeks!
* Don't know Linux? Don't know what a terminal is? You don't need to.
* All you need to know .. is how to read!


Tags: Guide, tutorial, unmanaged vps, virtual private server, vps

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Olly Connelly
Press Contact, vpsBible.com