SGS' Owner's Representative Services for RWE's First Wind Farm in Poland
Online, October 5, 2009 ( - Due to the long-term experience and knowledge SGS Poland was awarded the contract to provide Owner's Representative Services for the construction of RWE's first wind farm in Poland.
SGS Poland has been providing project developers with valuable Owner's Representative Services for many years. This is also known as Contract Engineering during the construction of new power plants or for the modernization of existing ones. SGS acts as an independent advisor in this role, to ensure that all members of the project team work towards a common goal.
With an in-depth understanding of the power generation sector, SGS offers investors Owner's Representative Services during wind farm development. The range of services covers both support during the pre-construction and the construction phases, from verification of the initial design plans to the supervision of a trial run and commissioning.
Trusting in the long-term experience and knowledge, RWE Innogy GmbH awarded SGS Poland the contract to assume the Owner's Representative role during the construction of its Suwalki Wind Farm, consisting of 18 wind turbines of type SWT-2.3-93, each with a capacity of 2.3 MW.
SGS opened an on-site office and appointed engineers to supervise the construction. The project was lead from the SGS office in Warsaw. The SGS team consisted of a site manager, two civil engineers, a road expert, an electrical engineer and a Quality Assurance / Quality Control (QA/QC) expert as well as a safety officer. The SGS Inspectors worked in a close collaboration with the RWE Innogy project management.
Continuous quality supervision during production is essential to avoid future operational failures due to poor material quality, the wrong choice of materials or to welding faults. Therefore, SGS was asked to provide additional inspection of the wind turbine components. This included the QA inspection of nacelles, towers, hubs and blades at the manufacturers' workshops in Denmark.
SGS Wind Energy Services combines local knowledge with a global background. Our independent certification and inspection can improve trust in the projects and secure quality of both offshore and onshore wind farms.
For more information, please contact:
SGS Industrial Services
SGS Polska Sp. z o.o.
Robert Macias
t: +48 (0)22-329-22-55
f: +48 (0)22-329-22-20
Email: [email protected]
Tags: contract engineering, offshore wind farm, power plant, quality assurance, RWE, SGS, wind farm, wind turbine