SGS Presents its Wind Energy Services at Wind Power Expo 2009 Conference and Exhibition in Zaragoza

The Wind Power Expo 2009 Conference and Exhibition, the 7th international exhibition on wind energy, took place on September 22 - 24 at the Zaragoza Exhibition Center in Spain. SGS showcased its Wind Energy Services that span the project life cycle

With over 8,000 visitors, 300 conference participants and 206 exhibitors from 19 countries, the wind event proved to be a great success. Visitors benefited from interesting presentations about the wind power sector as well as from joining the technical debates. International speakers also shared their views on issues such as wind farm direction phases, transport and logistics, operation and maintenance, repowering of existing farms and offshore wind energy.

The conference provided an excellent occasion for the SGS Satellite Competence Center Wind Energy Spain to showcase its Wind Energy Services that span the project life cycle of wind turbines, such as Wind Farm Project Certification, Blade Inspection and Condition Monitoring.

Torsten Muuß, Global Technical Manager for Wind Energy, gave a presentation about rotor blade problems and inspection methods. In the session on blade maintenance and repair, visitors showed interest not only in in-service inspection of rotor blades but also in quality assurance along the lifecycle of rotor blades, including testing and inspection during manufacturing.

About SGS Wind Energy Services

The range of Wind Energy Services that SGS offers spans all stages of wind farm projects, beginning with project feasibility assessments, through wind farm certification, to review of maintenance management programs.

For more information, please contact:

SGS Industrial Services
SGS Satellite Competence Center Wind Energy Spain

Torsten Muuß
Global Technical Manager, SGS Wind Energy

t: +49 40 30101-565
t: +34 660 9087 65 (Spain)

Email: [email protected]


Tags: SGS, wind energy, wind power

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Patrizia Schulz
Press Contact, SGS Industrial Services
SGS Industrial Services
1 place des Alpes
Geneva 1
United Kingdom