Shaniece Entertainment Presents: Of Mothers and Men

2010 was an extremely successful year for Shaniece Entertainment with it having produced a short film "Angela's Glory", produced/directed its first documentary about an anti-terrorism flag "MIA-OON" and the 2ND season of its comedy show Ay

Now it is back to present its 2nd theatrical piece called "Of Mothers and Men". A play on words of the American classic Of Mice and Men, "Of Mothers and Men" explores the plethora of relationships woman have with their mothers and men as well as the pivotal roles they carry. The play is a monologue driven piece with 9 vignettes diving deep into the world of these two influential people in ones life "Mothers and Men".

The cast is an array of Latina and African American women discussing many topics that are prevalent to women. Included in the cast is the writer, director and owner of Shaniece Entertainment Crystal Shaniece Roman. Ms. Roman wrote the piece as a way to reveal details to many of the paths these intricate relationships take.

The play Of Mothers and Men will debut at Bar Reis in the heart of Park Slope Brooklyn NYC on Sunday May 8th 2011 fitting for Mothers Day. It will be a Mothers Day Event that will include a one hour brunch prior to each performance. There will be 2 sittings that will begin at 11am and 2pm both being catered by Executive Chef Shirley Reyes of Couture Cuisine & Catering.


Tags: Crystal Shaniece Roman, Of Mothers and Men, Shaniece Entertainment

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Crystal Shaniece Roman
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Shaniece Entertainment
35 Andros Avenue
Staten Island, NY 10303