admitted to Microsoft BizSpark program. has been admitted to Microsoft BizSpark. Microsoft BizSpark is a global program for Start-up projects owned by private companies.

The aim of this undertaking is to provide technological support for the most interesting IT projects and to promote innovation.

Participation in this project gives companies access to a wide range of Microsoft software including direct help and technological support. Taking part in this program also allows free publicity in Microsoft BizSpark DataBase.

'We are very pleased that has gained recognition in Microsoft Company. Participation in Microsoft BizSpark project, the access to the latest technology and technological support give us the opportunity for rapid growth, for expanding the area of our activity and for entering into new markets'.
Tomasz Szladowski, President of is an innovative and unique project since it does not distribute music files but it acts as a middleman among those who are willing to share their music - by enabling other Internet users to listen to it.

People having a particular piece of music on their hard disk can broadcast it to only one listener at a time, and it cannot be copied by saving to the disk of another user. Owing to this, the copyright of authors, performers and producers is observed.


Tags: IT, Microsoft, start up

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