Sharing Mirth Eases Seasonal Stress: Humor-based Company Launches Timely Videos

If stress tops the list, where holiday shopping plans should be, these brand new humorous videos are the perfect solution. Eliminate the stressful challenges with laughter and unique gift ideas that will leave everyone smiling.

Does the word "holiday" evoke joy, excitement and tranquility? Or are visions of stress, chaos and inadequacy dancing where sugarplums should be? Sometimes all it takes to get the sugarplums back on track is a good laugh and Mirth in a Box has fix. This season, the Connecticut-based online gift service has launched a series of entertaining videos on YouTube that celebrate humor [url:] a known antidote to stress. Created especially for the holidays, these comical video shorts will help viewers find gift ideas to tickle everyone's funny bone and send the stress packing.

According to the Mayo Clinic, holidays are a key time for stress to take hold. With expectations high and to-do lists long, it's no wonder every year the news is full of ways to claim sanity. Plan ahead. Be realistic. Take a breather. These and other tips make the annual "Tips for Coping" list, published by the Mayo Clinic. But what about laughter?

"Yes. (It's) No joke," reports the Mayo staff [url:]. "A good sense of humor can't cure all ailments, but data are mounting about the positive things laughter can do."

As a holiday shopper, opportunities for stress are abundant. This is where laughter comes to the rescue. Giggling releases pent-up stress, clears the mind and makes tasks much easier. Mirth In a [url:] knows all about giggles. They have packed humor and great gift ideas into a series of 15+ "Gift Riff" spots, created especially for stress-free stocking gift shopping. Each YouTube video includes a special discount for viewers. And if beating the crowds by shopping at home doesn't bring a chuckle, what will?

Laughter feels good, but what about its range of physiological effects? Short term, laughter stimulates the heart, lungs and muscles with oxygen-rich air, and increases the level of endorphins released by the brain. No surprise, it can soothe tension by helping muscles relax and diverting stressful thoughts. And a really good laugh can actually activate AND release stress response, leaving a delightful, more relaxed feeling. In the long run, laughter can also: improve the immune system, relieve pain and improve one's social life.

Mirth in a Box offers pre-selected packages for all types of recipients: kids, teens, teachers, business travelers, sports fiends, friends. It's as easy as Click and Ship or mix and match to further customize stocking or Hanukah gift giving from the nearly 1,000 item inventory , all meant to leave visitors with a guffaw and a snort.

To get laughter rolling, check out the Mirth in the Box channel on YouTube or from click over from their website link. When it comes to holiday giving, share the laughter, not the stress.


Tags: gifts, holiday stress, humor, nostalgic, shopping, stocking stuffers

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Gay Gasser
Press Contact, Mirth in A Box
Mirth in A Box
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