Sharon Ballantine Interviewed on KCIA, Los Angeles

To help listeners to better understand how the Universal Law of Attraction works for parents, Ballantine gives her views to KCIA's John Kaye in a 30-minute interview.

Life coach and author, Sharon Ballantine, was recently interviewed by John Kaye of station KCIA on Blog Talk Radio, in which she shared her views on how parents can help their children to create a "Magic Life." "We create our own reality and are indeed in control of our experience. Our emotions are our indicator of alignment, and I learned how to use them to make new and happier choices," said Ballantine. And she wants to pass this knowledge on in her teachings.

One facet of the Law of Attraction that she finds most important is that everyone -- parents and their children -- have what Ballantine refers to as their "Internal Guidance System, "and said, "My book is specifically geared toward parents --The Art of Blissful Parenting. I want to teach parents to allow children to find their own answers that we all have inside of us." Ballantine feels that parenting in the 21st Century has changed. "I want parents to know that they don't have to manage their children like we thought in the past, so that they grow up following their own internal guidance."

Ballantine sees parents wanting to manage their children so that they have experiences in life that they did or didn't have, so they can be happy, and said, "That isn't allowing children to follow their own path. They came here to do their own thing, and I hope to encourage parents in showing their kids how to find their own path."

The full interview is available online at

Call letters KCIA refer to "Creative Independent Artists," and provides "speak out" interviews "...with passionate people about their craft. Art, Entertainment, Business, Pleasure, and other Creative stories of inspiration, innovation, and information." The station will soon be celebrating its first anniversary.


Tags: coaching and mentoring, law of attraction, life coach, sharon ballantine

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