Sharpen Your Creative Edge - Generate An Idea a Minute With Thoughtoffice Brainstorming Software

The human mind is amazingly creative, but loses its edge after long hours spent on highly creative tasks. Now, brainstorming software from ThoughtOffice supports the creative process, allowing users to generate an average of 61 new ideas per hour.

The human mind is an astonishingly creative machine, but tends to lose its freshness and "fades" when engaged for prolonged periods of time in highly creative, detailed or monotonous tasks. Solutions to this problem have included hot coffee, a cold shower, or a late night drive. Now, brainstorming software developed by ThoughtOffice Corporation can jump start the creative process with a single word, image, or phrase. Studies have shown that when users work interactively with the software, they build on their existing knowledge and experience, while stimulating new ideas along the way. An idea that may once have taken weeks to develop is now generated in seconds or minutes... with many more related ideas created as an incidental benefit.

"We were only expecting to see incremental improvements in the thinking process... maybe a 15% gain in creative output with ThoughtOffice (the creative engine in the ThoughtOffice software suite)," says David Lockman, ThoughtOffice's Product Specialist. "But we hadn't anticipated the results we saw - improvements of 600% or more in individual case studies. We're very excited by the outcome and are continuing to work on perfecting the process. Currently, our test participants are averaging 61 ideas per hour."

The program that is the subject of these studies is ThoughtOffice Brainstorming and Creativity Software for Windows and Macintosh, which taps unique online databases which total over 10.5 million words and phrases and more than 3,000,000 keyword-tagged images, to help trigger new ideas or fresh solutions to a problem. Based on the Associative Thinking Process pioneered by the legendary IdeaFisher brainstorming software, ThoughtOffice begins from a user-provided starting point (perhaps a word or phrase) then allows the user to search multiple linguistic databases, from the most common Internet searches to Synonyms, Word Associations, and Hypernyms. Images add a whole new dimension to the program, providing visual clues leading to those prized revelatory moments that often escape a less thorough brainstorming process.

As a copywriter, when Samantha Hall of "Sow Your Destiny" sits down to develop content for her corporate blogging, she often runs across many bland or unexciting phrases. "I can't stand to blog badly... using time-worn phrases and tired cliches," says Ms. Hall. "So I 'tap' ThoughtOffice with a word like Hope, and end up with a dozen phrases that will support my point. So Hope >> Survival >> Evolution >> Darwinian Theory >> Galapagos Island >> Genetic Drift. So I can ask my readers if they 'get my genetic drift' and know that at least I've added to their vocabulary... or maybe kept them reading. Either way I win... as does my client. After 12 hour days on the blogging circuit, I RELY on ThoughtOffice to keep me hot between the ears."

ThoughtOffice idea generation software is a single integrated program with three interfaces: a creativity search engine (the IdeaBrowser), instant access to guidance from experts (the Topics Browser), and a journal that organizes and collects your ideas and idea fragments (the Session Window). Combined, these three components allow users to create an "Idea Storyboard", very much like a combination of Outlining and MindMapping.

Also available are plugin eXpertTopic Modules that enhance the core program by providing stimulating ideas, questions, images and links in 16 areas, such as creative writing, advertising and marketing, and business planning. The Modules sell for $29-$69 each and are crafted by over 200 bestselling authors, MBAs, CEOs, and other experts in their fields.

The program is available for both Macintosh OS X (including Lion) and Windows XP / Vista / 7. Featuring a collection of plugin modules that provide professional guidance, ThoughtOffice bundles are priced from $97 to $497 and are available online at and from the ThoughtOffice Amazon store at .

About ThoughtOffice:
ThoughtOffice Corporation is a Washington-based technology firm focused on innovation and business process development. Since 1986, the company founders have successfully launched and sold nearly a dozen companies, from advertising to laser display technology, software to internet e-commerce. In development of brainstorming software, the development team interviewed over 800 business and innovation leaders. They apprenticed with Marsh Fisher, co-founder of Century 21 Real Estate and founder of IdeaFisher, one of the first and most popular brainstorming software programs worldwide. The result, ThoughtOffice, takes brainstorming and innovation out of the lab and makes it practical for daily use for education, business process development, advertising, executive coaching and in the C-Level executive suite. ThoughtOffice Corporation can be reached at 360-450-6888, by e-mail at [email protected] or

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Tags: associative thinking, business software, creative writing, idea software, innovation software, lateral thinking, mind map, Mind mapping, problem solving

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Press Contact, ThoughtOffice Corp.
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