She Proudly Wears Star-Spangled Panties

EFLAND, N.C., January 26, 2021 ( - Discover why Wonder Woman is the world's greatest superhero through a new book. Star-Spangled Panties, by Carol A. Strickland, is an information-packed guide to the Amazing Amazon, detailing her history, her accoutrements, and her mission: to turn the patriarchy on its ear.
The character is more relevant than ever, though she was created in 1941 as an answer to the preponderance of male heroes in comics. She's weathered time, creative staffs who didn't understand her, and bouts of poor sales that would have destroyed other characters. Most people know her from her TV show and two major movies, but do those display the true Wonder Woman?
She stands for positive empowerment, and of helping the disenfranchised people of the world learn to stride forth in confidence about themselves. WW works not to destroy evil, but to rehabilitate those who would harm others. As she does so, she makes herself an inspiring symbol of a feminine approach to life.
Fans who have fallen under Wonder Woman's spell contribute their own memories of how she's changed their lives. "I looked to Diana when I was struggling. I literally would ask myself, 'What would she do in this situation?'" says David Berger. WW charity cosplayer Brandi Coatsworth declares, "I realized that her qualities of love, kindness, and compassion were also qualities I wanted to live my life by."
This rather opinionated book by a long-time Wonder Woman fan breaks the Wonder Mythos into examinations of her many origins, her powers, her friends, enemies, and best stories. Is Steve Trevor truly indispensable to her tale? Why should the peace-loving Amazon carry a sword? And why is WW's younger sister, Donna Troy, plagued with the all-time worst continuity in comics?
Star-Spangled Panties is available in both digital (full color) and paperback (b&w) form from most major book websites. It features a foreword by Christie Marston, granddaughter of WW's creator.
Carol A. Strickland is the author of seven novels. This is her first nonfiction book. Through the years her website and various columns have dealt extensively with all things Wonder-related.
Source: Carol A. Strickland, author
Tags: nonfiction book, pop culture, wonder woman