Shears to You Salon to Host 'Women's Hair Loss Seminar' on 19th August

Awareness and educational seminar on Women's Hair Loss Seminar will take place today 19th August 2014 at Illinois, Oak park. The event is hosted by 'Shears to you Salon' featuring Kayla Martell as guest speaker.

‘Shears To You Salon’ hosts Women’s Hair Loss Seminar today, 19th August, 2014 at Oak Lawn, Illinois. The event will be featuring Kayla Martell as guest speaker.

Kayla Martell – better known as Miss America 2011 Finalist – suffered from alopecia when she was only eleven. Going through what can possibly be described as the toughest time in her life – Kayla bested her balding issue and became Miss Delaware and Miss America finalist. Kayla now wants to share her experience and make fellow women become better aware so they can "feel feminine and look beautiful."

feel feminine and look beautiful

Kayla Martell , Miss America 2011 Finalist

Along with Kayla are hair experts Rhonda McCarthy and Flora Fuentes. Rhonda is enthusiastic about making it an “uplifting and educational experience” and wants to make women aware of their options and support them. Flora believes the same citing success of prior seminars.

President of ‘Shears To You Salon’ Linda Leinweber will also join Kayla, Rhonda and Flora in this awareness and educational campaign. Linda is a cosmetologist and has been active for more than three decades. Linda focused over men’s hair loss earlier in her career because women felt embarrassed and were hesitant to share their problems. She has since changed center of her attention and now focuses on aiding women with options available to them. In her words, she just “love(s) making women feel great”.

Timing of the event is 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Attendees are welcome from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at ‘Shears To You Salon’, 9822 S. Cicero Avenue, Oak Lawn, IL 60453.

Call (708) 424-7431to RSVP or 954-661-3855 for Rhonda McCarthy.

Kayla, Rhonda and Linda are also available for interview but only upon request.


Tags: hair loss seminar, women hair loss, women hair loss seminar

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