Shoe My Color Studio Launches The Aesthetic Line Of Original Design Handmade Shoes

For the new school year, and the new beginning of your life, you need something being the turning point in your life. Everything needs to be changed or updated, to towards the new life, so does your toes.

Shoe My Color Studio Launches The Aesthetic Line Of Original Design Handmade Shoes

For the new school year, and the new beginning of your life, you need something being the turning point in your life. Everything needs to be changed or updated, to towards the new life, so does your toes. Trying some different tastes of shoes will surely delight your toes, such as personalized hand painted shoes. In this way, this kind of studio is born, launching different style lines of custom painted sneakers. Recently shoe my color studio has exactly released the new aesthetic line of original design handmade shoes, for such a kind of you.

Here, mainly highly recommend some of them for you.

Lucky Four Leaf Clover High Top Custom Sneakers for Boys, Girls, Couples

The Four Leaf Clover is a universally accepted symbol of good luck with its origin ages old. According to legend, Eve carried a four leaf clover from the Garden of Eden. In 1620, Sir John Melton wrote: "If a man walking in the fields find any four-leaved grass, he shall in a small while after find some good thing.

Colorful And Fantastic Coral Reefs Under The Sea Inspired Custom High-top Canvas Sneakers

Exploring the mysterious nature, people is often amazed at the marvellous magic of the nature power. Therein, the coral reef is one of the breathtaking masterpiece of the nature. You know, Corals are creatures which live in the deep regions of tropical waters. Reefs, where many creatures live together, are formed from the limestone skeletons of dead corals cemented together by the action of coralline algae. Inspired by these amazing coral reefs, the Colorful And Fantastic Coral Reefs Under The Sea Inspired Custom High-top Canvas Sneakers are born.

Korea Style Girls Goldfish Hand Painted High Top Canvas Shoes

Originated in China, goldfish represents dignity. The study on goldfish begun in the 12th century, and the amount of varieties constantly increased after a long period of cultivation. The Chinese goldfish is the earliest variety in the history of world's ornamental fish. It has been accompanied with people's life more than ten centuries in the history of human civilization.

Gorgeous Colored Glaze Inspired Doodle Hand Painted Low-top Custom Canvas Sneakers

This theme of custom sneakers aim at expressing your love with different colors, just as:
Love has many colors,
But the main is red.
The color of my eyes why I cry the most painful tears,
The tears of love that is caused my most wanted fears.
World melts in the color,
I melt in your eyes.


Tags: aesthetic line of original desig, hand painted shoes, handmade shoes, original design

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