Shop More Earn More - iCubesWire Shopping Fest

iCubesWire is celebrating the successful completion of three years with iCubesWire Shopping Fest - ICSF. Join the celebration fest ICSF along with Team iCubesWire and amplify the state of joy.

iCubesWire is pleased to announce the completion of successful three years. The Ad network is sharing the joy of success with its publishers, partners and customers by organizing a shopping fest called iCubesWire Shopping Fest (ICSF). The fest has been started on 16th September, 2015 and will continue for 10 days ending on 26th September, 2015.

The Ad network is grateful to its publishers and gives them the complete credit. Delivery Head at iCubesWire, Ashok Nain said, “It could have never been possible without the help of eminent publishers registered with us. We are glad to share out grand success with them”.

The Ad network was founded on 1st September 2012 and has grown into one of the leading Ad Networks in India in such a short span. Thead network stands as the epitome of hard work and dedication. Aditya Singh, Founding Member, iCubesWire, says “The assistance and passion of our Publisher Managers have helped us made it possible that were round the clock available to help publishers in maintaining high earning and timely CPS delivery”.

The fest offers higher payouts to its CPS publishers for several brands depending on even slight growth in the number of sales. Publishers can find all the details about the fest at iCubesWire Website and earn as much as they can. The opportunity is more lucrative for budding publishers as they can earn more finances to boost their business.

Sharing its happiness with its end-customers iCubesWire has also offered some exclusive coupon codes with the customers enabling them save more during the festival.

Join the celebration fest ICSF along with Team iCubesWire and amplify the state of joy of completing three years successfully. iCubesWire, one of the best Ad Networks in India, looks forward to maintain the thriving relationships with its publishers in future as well.​


Tags: Affiliate Marketing, ICSF, iCubeswire, Shopping Fest

About iCubesWire

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iCubeswire is an affiliate ad network for affiliates and advertisers enabling them to work mutually. Advertisers choose performance based marketing to reap the best ROI where as affiliates are paid for every action done by them for advertisers.

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