Shopllers.Com Offering Free Shipping In India is providing free shipping in India for its extensive range of products. Recognizing the importance of delivery time, they meet the customers' expectations in this line.

This is news that is sure to delight the online shoppers. is now offering free shipping in India for its full range of products that include electronics, apparels, accessories, mobile phones, gaming consoles, IT products, etc. Backed with 7 days shipping guarantee and authenticity of the products, the offer is sure to prompt the customers indulge in some quick shopping.

"When the buyers make a purchase online, they are keen on receiving the products at the earliest. We have put in place a mechanism to pack the products in the least time possible and make sure that they reach the customer. At shopllers, we recognize that delivery time is as important as quality of the products and pricing itself and we are keen on meeting the customers' expectations in this line," commented a senior executive with the company. is a huge store that presents an extensive variety of products to the shoppers. Home entertainment, Cameras & optics, Mobile phones & accessories, Data storage products, Fashion products, Computer items, they have it all. In a short period of time since its inception, has emerged as a premiere online store in India. They have put up a proper quality check in place to make sure that only authentic products are delivered to the customers.

For domestic buyers, the orders are shipped through Bluedart, DTDC, Firstflight, Aramex, Speedpost, Registry Post, Professional Courier, etc. As the executive added, "Orders are delivered through due process or as per the delivery date agreed. The shipment is subject to courier company / post office norms. For international buyers, orders are shipped through registered international courier companies."

In case the product returns for incorrect consignee address or phone, or unavailability of consignee 2 way shipping cost + 10% stocking fee will be charged for redelivery of the package. uses the services of EBS & PAY U for fast, easy and efficient secure payments. They accept major credit cards, debit card, EMI, online banking and cash cards.

About the Company: is a discounted deals store that offers a wide range of products for the customers. With insistence on the quality of products and timely delivery, they offer a value for money proposition. Know camera prices in India and compare these with range. They take pride in customer satisfaction, focusing on building mutual trust. Find here information on DSLR camera and other products.

Contact Information:

B-198, Basement
Krishna Market, Lajpat Nagar- 1
New Delhi, India
PH NO: +91-11-29820848
Email: [email protected]


Tags: Best bagpacks in India, Best Dslr Camera In India, Camera Prices In India

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B-198, Basement, Krishna Market, Lajpat Nagar - 1
New Delhi