Short Sale Saves Bend Oregon Homeowner From Foreclosure

John & Robin had fallen on hard times. Not only did the economy take a toll on their finances but Robin began having violent seizures with alarming frequency. Everything seemed stacked against them and they could no longer afford to make their mort

December 9th 2009 - "Thank you so much for everything you've done for us, we appreciate it more than you know." said John & Robin* to Tarris Rogers their Realtor who had just helped them successfully sell their home by means of a Short Sale.

John & Robin like so many Americans had fallen on hard times. Their income had dried up and to make matters worse, Robin's health had taken a turn for the worse. They called Tarris Rogers a Bend Oregon Real Estate Broker to do an evaluation on the market value of their home.

Unfortunately due to the downturn in real estate prices, they soon learned that they owed more to the bank than what they could sell their home for.

Mr. Rogers introduced the possibility of selling their home through a Short Sale. Simply put, a Short Sale is where the bank allows a homeowner to sell their house for less than what is owed the bank.

John & Robin had one of the more difficult banks to deal with in negotiating out a Short Sale. Undaunted, Tarris Rogers began working to secure a buyer for John & Robin's home.

"We received several offers in a short amount of time." related Tarris. 'However, the bank had a very unrealistic view of what John & Robin's home was worth." Those first few offers fell through as a result.

Irritated by the banks response, Tarris decided to learn everything he could to get into the inner workings of the Short Sale process. As a result he became a Certified Short Sale Specialist through two different Short Sale training programs.

Armed with the knowledge of how to deal with the bank, he once again began working to acquire another prospective buyer for John and Robin's home.

"Once we received a new offer, I began putting my education to work." relates Tarris. Fortunately for John & Robin, that education brought this particular offer all the way to the closing table.

"My biggest concern was making sure the bank wouldn't come back on John and Robin at a later time for the difference between what the sales price was and the deficit John & Robin owed on the house." continued Tarris. "I was thrilled when we finally got the OK from the bank and saw that as requested, John & Robin were left owing nothing. I had John & Robin give the paperwork to their lawyer to make sure everything looked good from a legal standpoint and their lawyer gave the thumbs up."

John & Robin were able to complete the sale of their home and didn't have to bring a single penny to the table. The bank paid for all the costs associated with the sale including the real estate commissions, taxes and Escrow fees.

"Even though it was quite a lot of work, I've never been so satisfied at a closing as I was closing on John & Robins house." said Tarris. "You could see the relief in their eyes, knowing that all the letters, phone calls and stress was finally over for them. I want homeowners who are struggling to know that they have real options available to them that don't involve foreclosure or bankruptcy."

Tarris has prepared video training and a online e-course that helps homeowners to learn how a Short Sale might be of benefit to their own situation. You can visit his website at to learn more.

"I feel that with all the bad news about struggling homeowners in the news, it gives my work a real purpose knowing that I can be a force for good in helping homeowners find a solution that gives them real financial relief." states Rogers.

Banks are becoming more agreeable to Short Sales in the wake of the enormous costs associated with foreclosure and recent government guidelines designed to help streamline the Short Sale process.

There are still a number of landmines that must be avoided with Short Sales. It's imperative for a homeowner to use an educated and experienced agent in helping them succeed with a Short Sale.

*Names have been changed to protect homeowners privacy


Tags: Bend Oregon Real Estate, Bend Short Sales, Short Sale Realtor

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384 SW Upper Terrace
Suite 201