Should There Be A Vending Machine Near The School Premises?

The food that is sold through a vending machine can affect the child's health adversely. Thus, installation of healthy vending machines is advisable because the children can get the healthy and nutritious food items easily.

Controversy has always been there on the topic - Should there be a vending machine near the school premises? There are both merits and demerits of having a vending machine within the school boundary or in the nearby area. The vending machines that are installed in the schools sell eatables such as soft drinks, sandwiches, milk, muffins, juices, yogurt, etc. The food that is sold through a vending machine can affect the child's health adversely. This is the reason why there is debate on this topic. To know whether it is right to have or wrong, let us go in detail.

Installation of healthy vending machines is advisable because the children can get the food items easily. If these machines are stocked with nutritious food products, then they can be very useful for kids. One should not overlook the demerits of snack vending machines.

One of the merits of having vending machines near school area is that the school kids can get effortless access to edible items. If the vending machine is in school ground itself, then lot of time and money both can be saved. Selling of food products is the not the only purpose of vending machines. Some vending machines are also used for making fees payments, like computer fees, extra activities fees, school program fees, etc. There are some schools that promote the vending of healthy foods, such as yogurts, dried fruits, flavored milk, soy nuts, pita fries and string cheese via vending machines.

Talking about the demerits, the biggest demerit is that the school pays more attention towards the earning of more profit and overlooks the health segment. The vending machines also offer soft drinks that can prove to be hazardous for a child's health. Soft drink intake is the main reason for health problems linked with youth obesity.

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Tags: healthy vending, MACHINE, Vending Machine

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