Show Support for Operation Homefront This Memorial Day
Los Angeles, California, May 21, 2015 ( - Summer is just weeks away. That is what most of us seem to think about when we approach the Memorial Day weekend, which is on the last Monday in May. The day was established originally to remember those who died while in military service. The tradition started after the Civil War and has now expanded to include all wars where Americans have fought. The date often moved around but in 1971 it became a federal law to observe this holiday on the last Monday in May. It is a time of remembrance for all Americans who have lost their lives in battle.
While this holiday is often spent by the pool, on vacation or around family and friends, it seems that Memorial Day may have lost some of its meaning, with many of us viewing it as an opportunity to enjoy a three day weekend. Sometimes it's nice to bring ourselves back to the simple meaning of the holiday and enjoy it for what it was really meant to be.
There are some easy ways to bring yourself back to the true meaning of Memorial Day. First, participate in the National Moment of Remembrance. It is one minute of silence that occurs at 3:00 p.m. local time on Memorial Day in honor of remembering and honoring those who have lost their lives in service to the Unites States of America. This is a way to put the "memory" back into Memorial Day.
Memorial Day is an outstanding opportunity to make a difference to those who have served our country in military uniform or to remember those who have given the ultimately sacrifice in serving their country. Here are five recommendations and tips on easy ways to Make A Difference:
1. Visit a cemetery and read the headstones of those who have died for our freedom; think about what their sacrifice means to you!
2. Attend the Memorial Day activities in your community ... most cities have a parade or some sort of commemoration; take the young people in your life with you to begin passing on the importance of this holiday.
3. As you drive around town, hold a mini US Flag out the window to show your support for the United States.
4. Visit a VA Hospital or senior center where there are veterans; listen to their stories
5. Make a charitable donation to Operation Homefront by buying, wearing and supporting The Neon on Black Veza Wristband in Support of Operation Homefront.
Operation Homefront is a favorite military charity with the goal of providing Relief to our war heroes during crisis, helping them Recover after service and giving them some Recognition for their life of sacrifice.
Shop the Neon on Black Veza Charity Wristband in Support of Operation Homefont
Serving in our military is a great honor but comes with much sacrifice for both the soldier and the family. Freedom is a hard fought battle that occurs on daily basis. Honor our military men and women, as well as their families by honoring and remembering those who have gone before to serve.
More than one million Americans have given their lives in service to this country! Let's make this Memorial Day a time to remember them. Do something for our military personnel or to honor and remember those who have served.
Happy Memorial Day!
Tags: military, operation homefront, Veza, war heroes, wounded warriors, wristbands