Shower Filter Store Forthe Healthiest Water

The water filter cartridge in your kitchen is just the thing that can fill your glass with the purest water you ever drank.

• Do you know that Chlorine purifies the water that we use?
Yes, .but do you also know
• That chlorine, as it reaches our kitchens, showers and the other areas in the house, proves to be a real health hazard?
• That a hot shower or bath causes chlorine to vaporize and enter the body through your lungs and the skin?
• That through the shower, you absorb more chlorine than by drinking 8 glasses of chlorinated water?
• That the prolonged use of chlorinated water may be responsible for permanent headaches and the other neurotoxinreactions??
Perhaps this information is new to you. This is why the researchers at Shower Filter Store wish to not only inform people of the consequences of Chlorine in water, but also to provide simple and inexpensive solutions to serious and costly health problems. Their excellence in Shower Filters is an example of the intense engineering involved in purifying the water. At you will find the widest variety of filters to suit your needs; filters that offer maximum protection for you and your family.
The Apparent Symptoms of Chlorinated Water:
The effects of Chlorine consumption over a period of time are inevitably visible. The itchy skin, the irritation in the eyes, the roughness all over the body, the slight discoloration of the hair that gets stronger over the days, the aged look on the face etc. are the unavoidable marks that Chlorine leaves. This is apart from the health hazard which is caused by the inhaling of Chlorine vapors.
How Does The Shower Filter Store Address This?
The company has been working for more than 20 years in the field of water purification. They have some commendable and effective methods for filtration, which are better than the most. While a small shower filter in your bathroom can completely tackle the chlorine in the shower, the water filter cartridge in your kitchen is just the thing that can fill your glass with the purest water you ever drank.

Why Shower Filter Store?
Shower Filter Storeoffers filters with state of the art technology at an affordable price. And, nearly all of the filter units offered have replaceable cartridges, easily to replace with no tools necessary. Replace the cartridge in your water purifier in the kitchen, and rest assured that you will be drinking safe, delicious water, pure as a mountain stream. And, all of the filter units at are made with replaceable parts.
Since 1992, Shower Filter Store has been dedicated to offering the best water purification systems at the most affordable price. For the variety, quality and price in water filters for drinking, showering and bathing there is no better place to shop.


Tags: shower filter, Shower Filters

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