Sibling Indie Authors' Non-fiction Humor Guide Published by Upstart Literary Boutique, Wildemena Books.
Online, April 7, 2014 ( - Wildemena Books released a non-fiction, humor handbook by local indie authors, D. C. Head, G. Head, Ken Head and S.V. Head. The name of the book is "The Little Handbook for Navigationally Challenged Cidiots" and was published this spring on March 24, 2014. An ebook edition will be released over the next few weeks and available on the e-reader and e-book platforms including Amazon Kindle, Barnes&Noble Nook, Kobo, and Ipad.
A fascinating and deeply candid work, the sibling authors offer an in-your-face approach to spoofing and uncovering the shaded areas of poor driving habits; coining the term "cidiot" to encompass all nasty driving practices across all countries, cities, and counties. The book is comprised of cidiot terminology and scenarios to describe incidents such as road rage, merging blunders, parking infractions, cut offs and a variety of driving assaults that occur everyday.
"After having seen enough crazy driving on the roadways, we thought now was a good time to write about it and tell the world that their driving is "lovely", said D.C. Head, the books primary author.
After several rejection letters from more than ten major literary agents, the indie authors did not give up hope. They considered it a major win for them when Tabitha Currie, recently established Wildemena Books, a small independent literary boutique based in Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan. It was also a good day for Currie, having launched her company's very first book by sibling authors.
"I am thrilled to have published this book as one of the very first on the Wildemena Books list," said Currie. " It is my hope that it gives books like The Onion's "Our Dumb World" some competition in the humor sphere. Currie's other plans for the sibling authors include book signings specifically at Independent Bookstores, having their titles showcased at Book Expo America and other book fairs. The book has already been entered in the 2014 International Book Awards, Paris Book Festival and New York Book Festival. They've already gotten a headstart on the 2015 Next Generation Indie Book Awards and this Fall's USA Book News Awards.
The Head family who authored "The Little Handbook for Navigationally Challenged Cidiots", a.k.a. "The Cidiot's Guide", are no strangers to writing. They've been pinning articles for several online magazines and writing across genres, especially sci-fi, fantasy, children's stories, psychological thrillers and non-fiction humor for more than twenty years. All but one are unpublished works that they hope to have represented in the future by Wildemena Books.
Tabitha Currie is not only the owner of the Wildemena Books literary boutique, but also the company's Editor and Public Relations Agent. Before establishing the literary boutique, Currie spent many years as a freelance editor. Her goal for Wildemena Books is to open the door for more indie authors to be represented without the rigid, impersonal process that many authors experience with the more traditional literary agencies.
Tags: book awards, book festivals, cidiots, indie authors, indie publishing, little handbook for navigational, our dumb world, the onion