Silly Common Mistakes Made By Beginners In Yoga
Online, February 16, 2011 ( - Yoga became very popular in the last couple of years. More and more people are experiencing health benefits with yoga. Advanced yogis state that there is always something new to learn about it. Watching your emotions can be very beneficial for your yoga practice.
No matter how long you practice Asthanga yoga, there is always something to learn.
If someone does not like to learn or to work on the practice, this yoga style will become a burden.
Ashtanga yogis/yoginis usually like challenges. The first motive to do Ashtanga yoga is not: "I want to relax". Ashtanga yoginis think: "Where is the next horse to ride."
What changes with time:
- I think I can get closer to my limits without injuring myself.
- It's easier to stick to the correct technique during a practice. Mainly it's practicing uddjay breathing, but also engaging the bandhas/muscles. The correct vinyasa count also says something to me nowadays (after 8 years of practicing).
- Of course I also know better how an asana is supposed to look like.
- The attitude has changed: I'm no more so careless to think: I'll never ever be able to do this pose. Too often I experienced the opposite. More is possible than I thought would be.
Today I practiced second series in a Mysore class.
- I don't like the seven headstands at the end. A thought came up: Pretend to have forgotten them. But that would be lousy. It's also my practice, I've not to prove anything.
- The mind works so: It always has preferences. This can make it easier to make decisions.
When I do my yoga practice I observe my preferences and I do the asanas or vinyasa, if I like it or not. So headstands were done. This is where the mind gets trained. This is where I think of the definition of yoga by Mr Swenson: yoga is a tool to enhance life. Yoga can teach methods that I can apply in daily life, too. My laundry is waiting for me to get ironed. I do the headstands, ähhh I iron my clothes of course. Yes. Hahahahaha.
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Tags: yoga, yoga postures, yoga practice