Silverstreet Break SMS Volume Record

Silverstreet has registered its highest single month of SMS traffic to date with an estimated 400 million SMS terminated across its platform during the month of December 2010.

While the holiday season is typically a slow business period in most industries, Silverstreet continues to move forward at a rapid pace.

"We have made it a goal of ours to remain fully available across all of our departments 365 days of the year and this availability in addition to our experienced international team is to thank for the upsurge in holiday related traffic. While most companies are vacationing, we remain at our posts eager and ready to serve our clients" says Silverstreet Chief Commercial Officer Mr. Simon Landsheer.

With stated intentions to diversify its client base amongst niche corporate elements and a continued effort to expand on its regional presences in Africa, Europe and Asia 2011 stands to be a record-breaking year for the company.

About Silverstreet:
Silverstreet, founded in 1999, is a specialist in Mobile Messaging (SMS) offering global MT termination options across more than 700 mobile networks worldwide. The company is primarily focused on mission critical traffic and high volumes (wholesale) clients reaching its peak SMS traffic performance in 2010 with a total volume of 2.4 Billion SMS terminated across its platform for the calendar year.

Silverstreet maintains a global footprint with teams spanning 10 countries and 3 continents servicing clients in over 100 countries around the world ranging from the A2P aggregator sector, banking, government and corporate entities. In addition to the core SMS portfolio which Silverstreet maintains, the company is also actively involved within the VAS sector towards mobile operators and in niche market development for mobile products.

Through its position and experience in the mobile market, Silverstreet fully expects to continue its aggressive and rapid expansion within the Asian and African markets.


Tags: Christmas, new year, silverstreet, sms, volume

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Simon Landsheer
Press Contact, Silverstreet BV