Simpleton Solutions Wins Prestigious National Book Award

USA Book News announced the winners of the annual Best Books Award. Simpleton Solutions' offering, The Miserly Mind, 12½ Secrets of the Freakishly Frugal placed as a Finalist in the Personal Finances category.

This latest national award makes three within two years for author and Simpleton Solutions' founder Elise Cooke. Last year, her entry "The Grocery Garden, How Busy People Can Grow Cheap Food" won the USA Book News Green Living Award, and was a Finalist in the Gardening category. "Our books have managed to win in half of the national contests we've entered," marvels Cooke.

These past two years have been a blur for this former software engineer and homemaker, who one day opened the newspaper and read about politicians in Washington agitating to raise Food Stamp allowances, arguing that it was impossible to eat healthfully on such low funds. Cooke had recently gone over her grocery receipts and learned that her family was eating very well for close to half the existing Food Stamp rate. When few letters to the editor came from savvy home economists, Cooke resolved to detail exactly how to achieve a rock-bottom, nutritious food bill in her first book, Strategic Eating, The Econovore's Essential Guide. This book was instantly well received by nutritionists and busy parents, as well as the Conservative Book Club, which included it in their catalog. This is rare for a self-published work.

Having now completed three books on creative frugality, which the author terms "living large on less," Cooke maintains the website and free monthly newsletter to help promote tightwad solutions to the challenges of the uncertain economy. The Miserly Mind, 12½ Secrets of the Freakishly Frugal reveals the mindset of those who've achieved independent wealth by exploring specific personality traits in a series of highly humorous and entertaining chapters. "Bonus chapters" offer practical applications for real-world personal finance scenarios.


Tags: award winning book, frugal book, millionaire book

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