Simutech Multimedia Wins 2009 Canadian Award for Training Excellence

Troubleshooting Industrial Controls has been named the GOLD Award Winner in the External eLearning Program category of the 2009 Canadian Awards for Training Excellence, presented by The Canadian Society for Training and Development.

Simutech Multimedia today announced that their Troubleshooting Industrial Controls program has been honored as the GOLD Award Winner in the External eLearning Program category of the 2009 Canadian Awards for Training Excellence. The honor, awarded by The Canadian Society for Training and Development (CSTD), was presented at the President's Dinner and Awards Gala as part of the CSTD and IFTDO World Conference in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

The Canadian Awards for Training Excellence honor exceptional and innovative Canadian-developed learning products and programs. The External eLearning Program award recognizes that the Troubleshooting Industrial Controls software meets "best practice" learning principles and demonstrates excellence in originality, instructional design, evaluation strategy, communication style, packaging and overall value.

The award-winning product, Troubleshooting Industrial Controls, is a software simulation of a complex fluid processing system designed to represent the industrial control systems found in many industries. The software teaches users a systematic approach for troubleshooting and repairing both electrical and mechanical faults safely and efficiently.

"[Troubleshooting Industrial Controls] has excellent simulations, content, and presentation of material," said the CSTD Awards Judging Team. "The simulations are appropriate, useful, and realistic [and] will transfer to the job easily."

"Receiving this award is a great honor," said Warren Rhude, President of Simutech Multimedia. "We are constantly striving, through the use of simulations, to create training programs of the highest quality and effectiveness and would like to thank the CSTD for recognizing the results of these efforts."

CSTD is Canada's professional association focused on training, learning and performance in the workplace. With over 1,600 members, CSTD represents learning and performance professionals from both the public and private sectors. For more information about The Canadian Society for Training and Development please visit

For more information about Troubleshooting Industrial Controls please visit

About Simutech Multimedia Inc.
Simutech Multimedia Inc., established in 1995, is an award-winning developer of simulation-based electrical troubleshooting training software. As a leader in the field, Simutech focuses on creating software of superior quality using highly realistic simulations and valuable assessment systems.


Tags: industrial controls, Software, training award, troubleshooting

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Michael Fisher
Press Contact, Simutech Multimedia Inc.