Since Three Mile Island (1979) Nuclear Power's Become Safer, Cleaner and Virtually Terrorist-Proof

Since Three Mile Island (1979) Nuclear Power's Become Safer, Cleaner and Virtually Terrorist-Proof; Ecology Site Offers the Background You Need To Be Up-to-Date on the Facts

President Obama's recently announced support for building the first nuclear power plant in the US in 30 years is getting mixed reviews. To some, nuclear power is the face of the future; to others the ticking time bomb of the past. Many of his liberal supporters are outraged to see him funding the construction of nukes which they've vehemently opposed at least since the mishaps at Three Mile Island (1979) and Chernobyl (1986).

Yet, the technology has drastically changed. Are the facts that you know more than a quarter century out of date? We were surprised to find out ours were.

Author and staff writer, Steven Kotler, examines the evolution of nuclear technology and explains the new generation of nuclear power that is cleaner, safer and less vulnerable to terrorist attack in Meltdown or Mother Lode: The New Truth About Nuclear Power. You owe it to yourself to read his detailed review as background for your writing on the subject. You may also want to quote from it, interview Kotler and link to the article so your readers can come up to speed as well. Kotler's 7-part investigation into nuclear power is an attempt to put all the facts on the table so at least proponents and supporter can start having a reasonable discussion about the new generation of nuclear power.

Please see Meltdown or Mother Lode: The New Truth About Nuclear Power:

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Tags: ecology, environmental, nuclear power

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