Singapore Company Incorporation: Guidelines for Foreign Companies and Individuals

Incorporating a company in Singapore provides countless of advantages to both local and foreign businessmen and companies with its tax incentives, attractive corporate laws, pragmatic government, and strategic location.

Incorporating a company in Singapore provides countless of advantages to both local and foreign businessmen and companies with its tax incentives, attractive corporate laws, pragmatic government, and strategic location.

For foreign individuals who want to relocate and setup a Singapore company, the first thing they should do is to apply for Employment Pass which will allow them to operate a business in the country.

To qualify for this visa, a foreign businessman should have a college diploma from a reputable university, entrepreneurial skills and background, a fixed monthly salary of at least S$2,500, and has qualifications to run a business.

In case that a foreign individual lacks college education, he may apply for EntrePass which is also a visa that will allow him to setup a Singapore company.

Between these two visas, business registration firm Rikvin believes that the Employment Pass is better since it has less stringent business requirements compared to EntrePass.

"Employment Pass holders are only required to have a S$1 paid-up capital and are not obliged to hire a certain number of local employees. On the other hand, EntrePass holders are required to have at least S$50,000 paid-up capital and should hire at least two local residents as their employees," Rikvin said.

Meanwhile, foreign entrepreneurs can setup a Singapore company without having to relocate in the country. However, they should appoint at least one resident director who will be liable for the statutory requirements of their companies. A resident director may be a natural citizen or a foreigner who holds Employment Pass, EntrePass, or Dependant Pass.

In case that foreign companies and businessmen have no trusted contact in Singapore, they can ask the business registration firm they hired to provide them with a nominee director.

"It is important to realize that hiring a professional firm is a mandatory requirement for foreign companies and businessmen since they are prohibited to self-register their business under the Singapore Companies Act," Rikvin said.

And once the foreign businessmen have successfully incorporated their companies, Rikvin said that it is the only time they can apply for the Employment Pass visa.

"Since the Employment Pass is only applied after incorporating a company, most foreign companies and businessmen would need a temporary resident director. Fortunately, we provide this service so our foreign clients can start their business even if they have not yet secured their visa," the business registration firm said.

"Once our clients have secured their Employment Pass, we will then transfer the directorship to them or to their trusted contact," Rikvin added.

Contact Rikvin

Rikvin is the leading Singapore Company Incorporation and work pass specialists. It has assist thousand of foreign entrepreneurs Setup up a Singapore Representative Office and secure their employees respected Singapore Employment Pass.

Our office is located at Raffles Place, in the heart of the Singapore business district. ("CBD")
If you're in our neighborhood and want to discuss any aspect of our service then feel free to come in to our offices during business hours. Appointments are welcome but definitely not necessary.

20 Cecil Street, #14-01, Equity Plaza, Singapore 049705
Main Lines : (65) 6438 8887
Fax : (65) 6438 2436
Email : [email protected]


Tags: Singapore company incorporation, Singapore Employment Pass, Singapore Representative Office

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Afton, MI 049705