Single Parent Families Headed By Women Need Your Help!
Online, December 24, 2013 ( - In my family there seemed to be some attitude in society that single parent families headed by women are condemned to failure, but remember that this is not only untrue it is offensive to the huge number of amazing moms who are becoming outstanding, effective and successful parents by themselves!
Power down the Stereotype
A girl on her own has a challenge to parent, no doubt. With 8 out of 10 fathers not standing by the girls they got pregnant, they face the daunting thought of parenting without help.
Yet many of these girls do not fit the stereotype. They are not irresponsible, they do love their son or daughter and do not leave their babies in the home to go out and party. Their children are not totally out of control! For almost all of these parents, they take up the challenge to become awesome moms and rise to the occasion, putting their lives and dreams aside. The truth is, fewer than 10% of them are ever going to graduate college due to the fact they put parenting first!
They must face all decisions alone. The have to manage discipline and be both dad and mom for their children. Can they get it right at all times? Of course not, but many couples make some mistakes too. The tragedy is the fact that, without a marriage partner, society is generally harsher on these individuals in virtually every country and society, even though we oftentimes lack every piece of information with regards to personal lives.
What these moms aren't in need of is your pity, and they specially don't need your criticism! They've made a decision to put their children before what they hoped for in life, so we really need to love and support them.
Some of them stand alone looking for a way to fulfil the role of both mom and dad, and they often do so well. Investing in them is like a great investment in the nations future.
If you know a single mom who is struggling, why wouldn't you provide a hand in love before you criticise them? Why not adopt a young child for a couple of hours when mom is tired or frustrated. Perhaps you could just sit and share a coffee with the mom, and discuss how she can care even better for each child.
These moms aren't villains, they're real parents but they also are heroes and deserving your love, your support and your admiration. They have put their kids before their own selfish interests, and while they seem to not cope well at all times, at least they are attempting to make a better life for their own offspring. Help Single Parent Families Headed by Women will succeed if you'd like to help rather than just sitting back and criticizing, because these moms and their youngsters are worth the effort.
If you would like extra information associated with this post it is possible to go to see our site by clicking here - single parent More Info. You may also go to see parenting difficult teenagrers for some other info.
Tags: single parent families, single parents guide, teenage parenting advice