Sit-in Popolo Viola London
Online, January 28, 2010 (
On Saturday 30th January, simultaneously with sit-ins organised in all main Italian and European cities, the 'Popolo Viola London' ('Purple People London') will demonstrate in defence of the principles of the Constitution, constantly attacked by the Italian government.
Most notably, the 'Popolo Viola London' will advance two requests:
· to respect the popular sovereignty and its will, as expressed in the 2006 referendum
· to abandon drafts or intentions of constitutional and/or electoral reforms not compatible with the fundamental principles and values of the 1948 Constitution
During the protest space will be given to public readings of the constitutional articles threatened by the new laws and to their discussion. The topics examined will be the following: conflict of interest; freedom and plurality of information; ad personam laws; short trial; fair trial; pardon and, finally, culture and scientific research.
At the end of the sit-in a letter to the Italian ambassador Giancarlo Aragona will be posted. The act will symbolically denounce the state of embarassment that Italians living, studying and working in London are constantly experiencing, increasingly alarmed by the current situation.
Kind regards
Press Office - Popolo Viola London
Tags: activism, Ambasciata Italiana Londra, Berlusconi, Costituzione Italiana, digital activism, Giancarlo Aragona, Italian Constitution, Italian Embassy London, Italy, London, Popolo Viola, Popolo Viola London