Sit-N-Get Offers Access to Deals on Electronics and More

Sit-n-Get shares information and deals about technology

A new site Sit-N-Get, is designed to help users find the best deals on the latest technology.

The site offers everything from highlights of deals from other sites to blog posts that share insight on topics including business ideas and ways to earn more money.

"I wanted to create a very up to date and well maintained website that incorporated ideas for those interested in electronic technology. It's for those who seek the knowledge of the exploding trend of technology."

Steven Izard , Director

One product highlighted is Dealzer, which offers hydroponics equipment.

“Take your hydroponics to the next level with professional equipment and expert insight from Dealzer,” the site wrote. “Get all the equipment and guidance you need in one place: grow boxes, cloning and propagation equipment, irrigation systems and pumps, grow tents, lights, meters, pest control, nutrients that will produce a hearty yield, and cutting-edge instruction from the masters.”

Another site featured is INKFARM, which sells inexpensive printer ink.

“Nothing seems to run out as quickly as printer ink, and nothing seems to cost as much, either,” the site wrote. “INKFARM has ink and toner for countless printer companies and designs, so you can skip the futile hunt at the store and shop online for the right one. Stop getting overcharged for ink, and stop worrying about where you’ll buy the next refill.”

More information is available at


Tags: 3-D Printing, Electronics, Software