Sketch Comedy Series Premieres to Huge Response and Celebrity Endorsements
Online, April 29, 2012 ( - The S&M Experience, the sketch comedy series from actor Sean Hampton (CSI, 90210) and producer Matt Getic premiered last Thursday to a massive audience response and celebrity endorsements. "It's been an unbelievable," Hampton said. "To have thousands of people respond to your work in this way is an anointment."
Along with the large audience response, legendary comedian Sinbad and renowned actor Steven Bauer (Breaking Bad, Scarface) are among the first celebrities to publicly endorse the series. With powerhouse celebrity support, the S&M Experience has been shared with over 80,000 people in just four days. On receiving celebrity endorsements, Matt Getic said, "I didn't imagine that we'd get the support of Hollywood elites this early in the game. Something like this puts us in the mainstream and we are beyond excited for the future."
The S&M Experience can be viewed by visiting
The S&M experience is a new media sketch comedy series from actor Sean Hampton (CSI, 90210) and producer Matt Getic. The series will focus on providing character and story driven entertainment, plus the collaborative insanity produced by the shows creators. As the series evolves it will feature the work of guest writers and directors. Since the show is new media based, interaction from the fans is highly encouraged. Not being bound to the limitations of a network means the creators get to interact with the audience in an unprecedented way. Questions, comments, and even pitches to work on the show are all available to the audience. With the freedom to say what they want and directly interface with the audience, Getic and Hampton can deliver the quality comedy the internet needs on the S&M Experience.
Tags: 80 000 people, actor steven bauer, comedian sinbad, powerhouse celebrity support, producer matt getic, scarface, sketch comedy series, sm experience