Sky's Up Magazine Spotlights Mars in Latest Issue

Explore Scientific celebrates the upcoming Mars Opposition with the AstronomyOutreach network and experts in planetary observation.
Sky's Up Mars Issue Cover

In honor of the big year Mars is having, the AstronomyOutreach network has devoted most of the latest issue of its publication Sky’s Up to the Red Planet. Sky's Up is made possible by telescope maker Explore Scientific.  

As July comes to a close, Mars will reign in the night sky as it makes it closest approach to Earth since 2003. This close encounter will come just days after it reaches opposition on July 27. The combination of these circumstances means — for the next few months — Mars will outshine Jupiter, which is usually the third brightest object in the evening sky. It also means it will be an ideal time to try one's hand at observing Earth’s intriguing neighbor. 

We are honored to work with the Sky's Up expert team of volunteer writers editors, illustrators, and astrophotographers, including comet discoverer Dr. David Levy, SETI's Astronomer Dr. Seth Shostak, planetary scientist Dr. Stephen J. Edberg, the Executive Director Emeritus of Chabot Space and Science Center and Professor of Astronomy Dr. Mike Reynolds, Univerity of Arkansas' STEM Director Dr. Daniel Barth, Lunar Expert extraordinaire Howard Eskildsen, Renowned Celestial Cartographer Wil Tirion, and Astrophotographer Jack Newton who created this special Mars Issue.

Scott W. Roberts, Founder and President

The issue includes columns exploring humanity’s fascination with Mars and our efforts to understand it. Learn from experts like Stephen Edberg, an astronomer who has worked on multiple missions at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab, and famed comet discoverer David H. Levy; observing activities and advice to maximize your opposition experience, and a selection of stunning images from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.

The latest issue includes recurring 10 Questions feature spotlights Ansley Barnard, who recently wrapped up an eight-month stint as the engineering officer for Mission V of HI-SEAS, an analog project that will likely play a crucial role in eventually launching a crewed mission to Mars.

Mars dominates this issue just like it will dominate the night sky as it makes its move later this month. Through this edition of its magazine, the AstronomyOutreach network hopes to encourage people to learn more about the Red Planet and take some time to observe it in all of its burnt-orange glory.

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Sky's Up is a quarterly publication of the AstronomyOutreach network designed to serve as a resource for teachers, students, parents, and anyone interested in learning more about astronomy and other scientific exploration. This complimentary publication is made possible through a generous contribution from Explore Scientific,  makers of the Firstlight Series of Telescopes

Available past issues include the Women in Astronomy issue published earlier this year. This special edition, which celebrates the significant contributions and discoveries women have made in astronomy and related fields, includes interviews with Cassini Project Scientist Dr. Linda Spilker, SETI co-founder Jill Tarter, and legendary comet discoverer Carolyn Shoemaker.

Source: Explore Scientific


Tags: astronomy, astronomyoutreach, explore scientific, Mars, mars opposition, science, space, STEM

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Explore Scientific is a Science and Outdoor Lifestyle company, specializing in telescopes, binoculars, microscopes, sports optics, STEM gear and other adventure products.

Scott Roberts
Explore Scientific Founder and President, Explore Scientific
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