SLK Global Is Now PCI Data Security Standard-Certified

PCI DSS certification will give leading business solutions provider a competitive edge in the critical bank card data processing sector.

SLK Global, a leading business transformation solutions provider for the U.S. payment, banking and other financial services industries, announced that it is now PCI DSS certified with an effective date of April 16th, 2014.

The PCI Security Standards Council is an open global forum, launched in 2006, that is responsible for the development, management, education, and awareness of the PCI Security Standards, including the Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), Payment Application Data Security Standard (PA-DSS), and PIN Transaction Security (PTS) requirements.

The Council's five founding global payment brands -- American Express, Discover Financial Services, JCB International, MasterCard, and Visa Inc. -- have agreed to incorporate the PCI DSS as the technical requirements of each of their data security compliance programs. Each founding member also recognizes the QSAs, PA-QSAs and ASVs certified by the PCI Security Standards Council.

"We are already servicing several card issuers. With the PCI DSS certification completed, it gives us tremendous opportunities to offer increased security and value to card issuers," said Gopal Amin, president and CEO of SLK Global. "At SLK Global, we take enterprise security very seriously and our team was very committed to achieving this milestone."

The PCI DSS is a robust, comprehensive, technology driven, transparent, explicit standard to enhanced security controls around payment card and related account data by ensuring the safe handling of card holder information at every step thereby reduce payment card frauds via its exposures.

Lopa Mudra Basu, associate vice president and head of enterprise security and risk governance said, "We are very pleased that we have completed the certification ahead of schedule and in a single shot including Attestation scanning (ASV). With the certification, we have armed the organization to process the payment card and related account data safely and securely. We are also communicating a clear message to the end customer that their card, account and related personal information are in safe hands and required security, privacy and protection mechanisms are in place."

About SLK Global

SLK Global is a part of the SLK Group, a leading business process and software services provider with over 5,000 employees across several locations. SLK Global focuses on providing business process management (BPM) solutions to mid-sized and large financial services organizations in the U.S. banking, payments, mortgage lending, title insurance and other financial services sectors.

Founded in 2000, SLK is headquartered in Bangalore, India, and operates in the U.S. from its facility in Dallas, Texas. SLK Global is an ISO 9001:2008 and ISO/IEC 27001:2005 certified company and is SSAE 16 Type II compliant. For more information, please visit Also follow SLK Global at @slkglobalsvcs.


Tags: mortgage outsourcing, outsourcing services, title services

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The SLK Group is a leading business process and software services provider serving multiple industries with key focus on the financial services industry.

Mrunmayee Pandhare
Press Contact, SLK Global BPO Services
SLK Global BPO Services
22727 LBJ Freeway, STE 800
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