Small Business Borrowing in Ohio Stalls in November

In November 2017, Ohio's small firms borrowed comparably to last month, according to data published by PayNet. Of the 18 major industries, 9 dropped and 9 increased in Ohio.

Registering at 107.1, Ohio's PayNet Small Business Lending Index (SBLI) surpassed the national SBLI level (100.6) and performed comparably to last month's state level. Year-over-year, business investment improved (8.1%), a positive sign for the state economy.

The three industries with the most unfavorable change in lending activity over the past year in Ohio were Finance and Insurance (-8.6%); Health Care and Social Assistance (-4.3%); and Construction (-3.5%). As well as having the greatest decline in lending activity this month, Finance and Insurance also recorded the lowest lending activity (58.6) of any industry in Ohio.

At 1.44%, the PayNet Small Business Default Index (SBDFI) for Ohio was 38 basis points below the national SBDFI level of 1.82% after a comparable value to last month. Year-over-year, the national SBDFI improved 1 basis points, while Ohio's SBDFI dipped 2 basis points.

"Time will tell how these conditions will affect Ohio's economy going forward," asserts the president of PayNet, William Phelan.  

Source: PayNet


Tags: Credit Trends, SBDI, SBLI, Small Business

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